Data Mining with UAI Proceedings 國立政治大學 資訊科學系 劉昭麟 September 12, 1999.


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Presentation transcript:

Data Mining with UAI Proceedings 國立政治大學 資訊科學系 劉昭麟 September 12, 1999

An International Conference

International UAI Community

UAI Community in USA

UAI Community in USA (2) Breese Heckerman Horvitz PearlSchacter Koller

UAI Community in USA (3) Breese Heckerman Horvitz Schacter Koller Pearl

Major Topics Knowledge representation Inference Knowledge acquisition Learning Etc.

International UAI Community

International UAI Conference

國際交流 UAI went to Europe this year. When will UAI come to Asia? –Does “research population” matter? –Does location/distance matter? –IPMU and “PAUAI” Will UAI come to Asia?