1 MODULE 1 : Management E-Corporation Matakuliah: J0422 / Manajemen E-Corporation Tahun: 2005 Versi: 1 / 2.


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Presentation transcript:

1 MODULE 1 : Management E-Corporation Matakuliah: J0422 / Manajemen E-Corporation Tahun: 2005 Versi: 1 / 2

2 Learning Outcomes  In this chapter, we will study:  What is E-corporation? How it works and why we need e-corporation ?  The structure and benefit using E-corporation.  Compare E-corporation with Traditional corporation with analysis method.

3 Outline Topic  Definition of E-Corporation  Structure of E-Corporation  Characteristic of E-Corp and Traditional Corp  Benefit of E-Corporation  Critical Factor of E-Corporation

4 Content The IT revolution has vastly enhanced management's ability to deploy new, accelerated processes. Companies that first and most avidly embrace the new technologies of management and information are putting irresistible pressure on the laggards. 'think of business opportunities in terms of cyberspace, radically changed marketing, value streams reinvented for real-time interaction, agile inter- corporate relationships and new employee teams'. The internal and external 'nervous systems', in a very real sense, are the company.

5 Definition of E-Corporation  E-Corporation was integrated of philosophy of business, strategy, process and organization that make customer interaction with the company for learn and using the resources together.  'a real E-Corp isn't just using the Internet to alter its approach to markets and customers: it's combining computers, the Web and the massively complex programs known as enterprise software to change everything about how it operates'.

6 Network of the E-Corporation The E-Corporation of the 21st Century Extranet/EDI [Suppliers, Distributors, Corporate Partners] Intranet [Internal Corporate Functions] Internet/World Wide Web [Customers]

7 Structure of E-Corporation  Business Concept  Structure Organization  Internet and Intranet Application  System Application

8 Characteristics of E-Corp and Traditional Traditional  Traditional use IT in part of their organization business process.  Traditional employ IT in a limited manner in its relationship with both supplier and customer. E-Corporation  E-Corp use IT in almost all part of their business process. Like from procurement, administration, transaction and etc.  E-Corp use IT in their relationship with supplier and customer, concept like B2B, B2C portal, Intranet and Extranet is common.  E-Corp view customer as the center of their strategy thus concept like one-to-one marketing is quite common.

9 Benefit of E-Corporation  Availability  Information should be available and accessible, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. System failure due to crash or attack must be avoid and manage.  Speed  Information should deliver as fast as possible. In E-Corporation environment information value is measured by the timeliness of their presentation.  Accuracy  Information deliver must be accurate. Damage of information should be keep minimal.  Quality  Accuracy and Speed results in quality of information  Security and Privacy  Security is very important to make the system working well.  Reliability  A system that can deliver quality of information can be considered reliable.  Customer service.  Focus on supported customer.

10 Critical Factor of E-Corporation  Competitive Value  Using IT to achieve competitive value in the business scope.  Support to Customer  Can give a significant value support for customer. It mean that focus on customer oriented.

11 Chapter Summary  Executives should consider the following questions as they attempt to forecast the value of digital business strategies and the ability of their organizations to execute them: Do you think that all company will require to implement e-corporation ? What make e-corporation become powerful for company to achieve the best value? How to build the e-corporation from the traditional company ? What is the impact with the technology ?

12 Chapter Summary  Executives should consider the following questions as they attempt to forecast the value of digital business strategies and the ability of their organizations to execute them: Do the perspective and skills of the IT team, IT users, and general management team fit the firm’s changing strategy and organization and the IT applications, operating environment, and management processes? Is the firm organized to identify, evaluate, and assimilate new information technologies on a timely basis? Are there strategic planning, the management control, and the project management systems – the three main management systems for integrating the IT environment with the firm-defined and appropriately implemented and managed? Are the security, priority-setting, and control systems for IT operations appropriate for the role it plays in the firm? Are appropriate organizational structures and coordinating mechanisms in place to ensure IT is appropriately aligned to the needs of the firm?