Expanding the Evidence Base for Consumer Policies A project in partnership with: The European Commission DG Environment BIO Intelligence ServicePolicy Studies Institute
Introduction: A research project, funded by the European Commission, is underway which seeks to expand the evidence base for consumer policies. The study draws on knowledge from the field of behavioural economics and develops a series of hypotheses relating to consumer choice in regard to environmental goods and services. Additionally, the project participants are seeking to reach out to the broader scientific community to share this project idea and encourage additional discussion and interest in this topic of study. 2 Expanding the Evidence Base for Consumer Policies
Project objectives: Make information relating to the drivers of consumer choice available to EU and Member State policy makers Contribute to the understanding of consumer behaviour and to the underlying drivers of consumer behaviour as well as to how policies might best be designed to influence choice regarding environmental products and services Design a blueprint to assess consumer policies Stimulate further research 3 Expanding the Evidence Base for Consumer Policies
Background: Understanding consumer behaviour and the drivers of consumer behaviour is essential to the development of consumer policies. The theory of rational choice does not completely explain the motivations that drive consumer behaviour. Policies based on rational choice to explain consumer choices can fall short of their intended purpose. It is essential to the development of consumer policies aimed at influencing consumer choice that the base of scientific evidence be expanded and analysed. 4 Expanding the Evidence Base for Consumer Policies
Highlights of the study: Develop an experiment to test on real world consumers A selected hypotheses will be tested to gather information for use in policy development but also to highlight possibilities for future research in the field. The experiment will aim to test specific potential consumer drivers in consumer choice and push past the traditional understandings of rational choice. 5 Expanding the Evidence Base for Consumer Policies
Highlights of the study: Design a blueprint to assess consumer policies Evaluation methodologies have been designed to collect information on consumer response to consumer behaviour policies. The evaluation methodology is designed to be applied to evaluate existing policies or to improve the design of and provide general guidelines for developing future consumer policies, while it cannot be used to forecast outcomes. 6 Expanding the Evidence Base for Consumer Policies
Highlights of the study: Design a blueprint to assess consumer policies Raise awareness of how policy evaluation can contribute to the better understanding of consumer behaviour, for example, by not only assessing the outcome of certain policies but rather, by looking at the drivers for specific behaviour responses. A n online database to collect data on policy assessments is proposed which will enable a transfer of knowledge for policy makers, scientists and interested parties. 7 Expanding the Evidence Base for Consumer Policies
Conclusion: The project is in progress and will be shared with scientists, policy makers, stakeholders and other interested parties. As scientists in the field of behavioural economics and economic psychology your research contributes directly to the understanding of consumer choice, the drivers of consumer behaviour, and to the future of consumer choice policies. It is therefore crucial that you to take an open minded perspective to your studies and aim to contribute to the mutual understanding of consumer choice through interdisciplinary and international collaboration whenever possible. Thank you for your attention and interest in our project. 8 Expanding the Evidence Base for Consumer Policies
For additional information contact: European Commission – DG Environment : BIO Intelligence Service: Policy Studies Institute: Ecologic Institute: Expanding the Evidence Base for Consumer Policies