Efficient Search on Encrypted Data
Outline SWP Linear Scan SWP encrypted index Goh Bloom Filter Hybird scheme Discussion
SWP Linear Scan K i = f k’ (L i ) X i = E k’’ (W i )
SWP encrypted index motivation :當文件量大時, sequential scan 不是一個有效率的方 法。 ex :在大型資料庫上,用 pre-computed index 是加速搜尋最常 用的技巧。 ex : index keywordpointerdocument
Simple way Simple way : Operation : 1)B search E(W) , return A encrypted list. 2)A may decrypt the encrypted entries and send B another request to retrieve the documents advantage : the request could be embedded in other retrievals disadvantage : A has to spend round-trip time
Another way motivation : save time Another way : K w = F k’’’ (E(W)) pointer E kw (P i ) Search : send to server
Goh Bloom Filter Document D : S={s 1, s 2, …, s n } n : the number of words chosen by client S : m bit array
Methodology The motivations : 1.Have a method that allows the owner of the data to find the required data from a remote and untrusted storage 2.Supports any types of data 3.Allows Alice to choose just the required keywords describing the data 4.Preserve the keywords where the keywords can be retrieved if needed 5.Time complexity of 0(1) to search for a keyword 6.Easy integration with any existing indexing scheme 7.Good performance time in terms of encryption, decryption and search
Scheme Setup/Encryption Phase Search Phase Single Document Searching Mode Multiple Documents Search Mode Decryption Phase
Setup/Encryption Phase
Hash Table c1 Loc(W i ) = H( E k’ (W)+id ) c2 c3 cn … Loc(W1) Loc(W2) Loc(W3) Loc(Wn) HT 1 c1 c2 c3 cn … Loc(W1) Loc(W2) Loc(W3) Loc(Wn) HT 2 c1 c2 c3 cn … Loc(W1) Loc(W2) Loc(W3) Loc(Wn) HT n
Search Phase : Single Document Searching Mode 傳給 server id // Loc(W i ) // E k’ (W) // k i
Search Phase : Multiple Documents Search Mode motivation : Document number is unknown Find a certain word in multiple documents This allows server to do the hash function H on behalf of client
Multiple Documents Search Mode
Decryption Phase
SWP Linear Scan disadvantage Long processing time The search time increases as with the number of word not suitable for files with many words
SWP encrypted index The fastest processing time disadvantage : A single master index manages all the documents Maintain a pool of keywords
Goh Bloom Filter High security disadvantage : Large index size Long processing time Not suitable for active file server where changes document occur frequently