Classics Resources, Methods and Resources - Library Induction Nicola Conway October 2010
By the end of this session… You should be able to… Identify and find relevant resources for your research Use the library effectively, and make the most of our services and resources Access other libraries and their resources
Library basics Using the library: University Library - 5 libraries Opening hours Borrowing privileges Durham University Contacts / support
Library web pages Subject information – Classics Databases Internet gateways Services and sites Information for… New students Researchers
Library catalogue How to search Author / title Keyword and advanced searching Marking records Journals – print and online Your library record Reading history
Effective searching (1) Synonyms e.g. tragedy, drama, melodrama Truncation e.g. drama* (drama, dramas, dramatic) Wildcards e.g. organi*ation, behavio*r Joining words AND, OR & AND NOT
Combining search terms eg AND, OR & AND NOT Plato AND NOT Aristotle Plato AND Aristotle Plato OR Aristotle
Effective searching (2) Limits e.g. year, language Combination of searches, eg. (monument* or sculpture*) and (deterio* or weathering) Advanced search option / help Searching advice:
Bibliographic databases L’Annee Philologique Web of Knowledge (multidisciplinary) Dyabola Full-text sources include: Patrologia Latina Encyclopaedia Judaica Journal providers eg JSTOR
Current Awareness Library catalogue Reading history Keyword searches New books Alerting services Theses and Dissertations
Other resources E-reference News and news archives Image databases Subject gateways
Wider access Local universities e.g. Newcastle and Northumbria Access to other libraries SCONUL Access Scheme Document Delivery Service
Where to get help Main Library - Enquiries Desk Level 2 On-line enquiry service: Academic Support Team: Nicola