Directions to Camera Point: Starting in the parking lot, cross the driving bridge and turn right downstream toward the third light post on the left. Stand directly to the left of the light post facing the creek. Make bearing 196° proceed 55 feet to creek (See camera point photo for specific location) North
Photo Point Map 4A Key Starting Point Photo Point Camera Point 4 North 4 4C 4B 4A 55 ft. 196° S 296° 216° 172 ° Road 4 4 Camera Point
Location Kelsey Creek West Tributary Photo Point 4A Upstream Camera Point 4 Bearing 296° Goal Monitoring stream restoration Duration 10 years Regime Once a year Date 11/05/09 Time 11:55 am Notes: The picnic area hut is visible in the background.
Location Kelsey Creek West Tributary Photo Point 4B Straight-on Camera Point 4 Bearing 216° Goal Monitoring stream restoration Duration 10 years Regime Once a year Date 11/05/09 Time 11:30 am Notes: The bridge is visible in the background.
Location Kelsey Creek West Tributary Photo Point 4C Downstream Camera Point 4 Bearing 172° Goal Monitoring stream restoration Duration 10 years Regime Once a year Date 11/05/09 Time 11:50 am Notes: The restrooms is visible in the background.
Mac Cahill, Joe Gooden, Heather Hatchie, Natalie MacKnight, Miles Whitaker THE DECEPTICONS: