Protection for Web Delivered Music Patcharinee Tientrakool EE 6886: Topics in Signal Processing - Multimedia Security System
Digital Music Distribution Online music store e.g. iTunes music store Internet radio Peer-to-peer network e.g. KaZaA PROTECTION
Main Technologies for Music Content Protection EncryptionWatermarking Help when an object is transmitted through a channel Prove copyrights Trace illegal distribution
Watermark Embedding Encryption Plain music Watermark Watermarked music Encryption Key Protected music Creation of Protected music content
Scope of study Watermarking techniques for web delivered music content DRM systems currently in the market
Watermarking Audio file Music sheet e.g. real time watermarking in image files or while printing
Audio watermarking LSB coding Watermarking the phase of the host signal Echo hiding Spread spectrum watermarking Methods using various characteristics of the host audio
Music sheet watermarking Grayscale Approach Pixel Based Approach –Staff line-Modulation –Block Based Data Hiding Symbol Oriented Approach –horizontal distances –thickness of some musical symbols or their elements –orientation or shape of musical symbols
Watermarking techniques for web delivered music content DRM systems currently in the market Scope of study
Digital Rights Management Systems (DRM systems) Architectures for protection of IPR. Several components : user identification authentication encryption copy protection copy control access control digital watermarking digital fingerprinting pay systems license agreement
Currently available in the market MakerDRMSoftware Jukebox AppleFairplay™iTunes Real Networks Helix/ Harmony Real Player MicrosoftPlays for sure™ Windows Media Player SonyOpen Magic Gate™ SonicStage
Watermarking techniques for web delivered music content DRM systems currently in the market Scope of study