Physically-based Kinematic Model: from sandbox experiment Nina Lin Ge 277, Nov Readings: Bernard et al. (2007) Kinematics of fault-related folding derived from a sandbox experiment, JGR Daëron et al. (2007) Modeling the shortening history of a fault tip fold using structural and geomorphic records of deformation, JGR
Q: How is the geologic deformation related to seismic cycles? Planar Fault Scenario
Q: How is the geologic deformation related to seismic cycles? Listric Fault Scenario
Q: How do we determine the right kinematics of a fold?
Traditional Kinematic Models: FBF dZ x
Traditional Kinematic Models: FTF → Need understanding of structural type → Complicated to derive velocity-deformation relationship
Physically-based Kinematic Model: Analogous Experiment
Phase I: Distributed Strain Detachment-tip Folding
Phase II: Strain Localization Ramp Overthrusting
Insights of experiment: 1. Maximum Uplift Much higher internal deformation during FTF Phase IPhase II
Insights of experiment: 2. Velocity Field of FTF (Phase I)
Insights of experiment: 3. Comparison with Elastic Model Fault-Tip Fold: → Fault depth is too shallow → Slip is overestimated Phase I
Insights of experiment: 3. Comparison with Elastic Model Fault-Bend Fold: → Fault depth is too shallow → Slip is overestimated Phase II
Example I: Yakeng Anticline, S Tien Shan
dZ x Example I: Yakeng Anticline, S Tien Shan Excess Area Finite Shortening Shortening Rate: 0.14 mm/yr for Ma
Example I: Yakeng Anticline, S Tien Shan
No age control Age determined by constant sedimentation rate Shortening rate could be 2.1 mm/yr for 150 ka Much faster than 0.14 mm/yr for Ma
Implications Physically-based kinematic model offers an approach to model geologic deformation in terms of seismic cycles Combining with coseismic deformations, one can determine the inelastic deformation in the medium and possibly folding mechanism
Example II: Anjihai Anticline, N Tien Shan
Example II: Anjihai Anticline, N Tien Shan
Mismatch of Tn: Change of tectonic pattern Different age of Ts and Tn