Katoomba Group Training Initiative Climate Change, Markets and Services Welcome and Introduction Course Introduction and Guidelines Participant Introduction:


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Presentation transcript:

Katoomba Group Training Initiative Climate Change, Markets and Services Welcome and Introduction Course Introduction and Guidelines Participant Introduction: –Name –Title –Organization –Geographic region of work –Reason for participation Group Activity

Film Screening Guiding Questions: – What did you think of this film and why? – Is there any information here that you disagree with? – What new information did you learn? Was there anything surprising? – How are these issues relevant to your line of work? – How are these issues relevant to your geographic region? Discussion: – If this is so urgent, why aren’t more people concerned? – Is there a solution? If so, what is it? – Are we on the right path to making positive changes? – Will economic incentives be enough, or will it involve a shift in mindset? Climate Change, Markets and Services Katoomba Group Training Initiative

Climate Change: The Basics Concepts: – Climate change and global Warming: concept and origins – Greenhouse effect: definition and global trends – Greenhouse gases: types, origins and their contribution to global warming Causes of climate change: – Increase in Greenhouse gases – Pollution (Industrial revolution and ongoing development) – Land use change Social, ecological and economic effects of climate change Mitigation Techniques Climate Change, Markets and Services Katoomba Group Training Initiative

Historical and Political Context of Climate Change Climate change, GHG Emissions and the disparities between developed and developing nations History: – 1972: United Nations Conference on the Human Environment – Stockholm Conference – 1988: Creation of IPCC, concept, function, importance and reports – 1992: Earth Summit, ECO-92 and the Creation of UNFCCC – 1997: The Kyoto Protocol, definition, history and flexible mechanisms – COP meetings from Rome to Copenhagen – The Copenhagen Accord Climate Change, Markets and Services Katoomba Group Training Initiative

Introduction to Ecosystem Services Ecosystem services: basic concepts Definition of PES Class discussion: potential types of environmental services Types of ecosystem services (definitions) – Biodiversity conservation – Carbon sequestration and stocks – Climate regulation – Cultural preservation Estimates of valuing environmental services Climate Change, Markets and Services Katoomba Group Training Initiative

Forests, Carbon Sequestration, and Storage Forest types (by geography and age) Calculating carbon stocks Role of forests in climate change mitigation REDD: history, opportunities and limitations The three REDD bottlenecks: scale, baseline and funding REDD + Climate Change, Markets and Services Katoomba Group Training Initiative

Water and Biodiversity Role of biodiversity as an ecosystem service Role of water as an ecosystem service Relationship of water and biodiversity to forests and carbon sequestration Natural, social, and economic connection between carbon, water, and biodiversity Types of environmental services and scales Climate Change, Markets and Services Katoomba Group Training Initiative

Drivers of Deforestation and Degradation Identification of common proximate and root causes and an understanding of their underlying connections Forest degradation cycles – fire – logging – cattle ranching – palm plantation The effects of deforestation and degradation drivers on PES project implementation Climate Change, Markets and Services Katoomba Group Training Initiative

Payments for Ecosystem Services PES: strategy for reconciling for environmental conservation with economic concerns Basic technical aspects: additionality, baselines, leakage, permanence, measuring and monitoring Regional project examples Climate Change, Markets and Services Katoomba Group Training Initiative

Carbon Markets Overview Carbon credits Types of carbon markets: compliance and voluntary Key players in the carbon markets and international, national, and regional programs Climate Change, Markets and Services Katoomba Group Training Initiative

International Markets and Environmental Services Key actors in international markets for PES Global market trends and the global economy Climate Change, Markets and Services Katoomba Group Training Initiative

Institutional Aspects of PES Identify existing institutional stakeholders and their relationships Review the rights, responsibilities, roles, and returns for different stakeholders Climate Change, Markets and Services Katoomba Group Training Initiative

Political, Legal, and Financial aspects Political context: a review of national and/or state or city level policies and programs related to PES Existing frameworks, key individuals and national programs Potential legal barriers and enabling mechanisms Evaluating Costs of ES – Economic Value – Financial Value – Transaction Costs – Buyers Climate Change, Markets and Services Katoomba Group Training Initiative

Social Considerations Social and community benefits and risks associated with PES projects Prior, free and informed consent Guidelines for Social Impact Assessment evaluations Cultural considerations and managing community expectations Climate Change, Markets and Services Katoomba Group Training Initiative

How to Design a PES Project Definition of particular ES and scale Selection site Land ownership and other legal aspects Community engagement Scoping analysis PDD creation Methodology Identifying team members Monitoring and evaluation plans (social, economic and environmental) Certification Cost estimates and funding Project Timeline and Schedule Planning payments: how much, how often, what type of payment, and to whom? Climate Change, Markets and Services Katoomba Group Training Initiative

Community Engagement Understanding the cultural context: – Cultural sensitivity – Community leadership – Community groups Indigenous peoples rights Free, prior and informed consent Assessing communities: needs, roles and responsibilities Sharing benefits: equity and fairness Strategy for capacity building on ES Planning Impact assessments Community role: Active participants, supervisors and project monitors Climate Change, Markets and Services Katoomba Group Training Initiative

Group Activity Overview of a REDD case study – Review and evaluation of the project – Role of stakeholders (NGOs, community, and government dynamics) – Ultimate goals vs. ultimate outcomes. – Lessons from existing projects and ideas for future initiatives. Overview of a water case study – Review and evaluation of key projects – Role of stakeholders (NGOs, community, and government dynamics) – Ultimate goals vs. ultimate outcomes. – Lessons from existing projects and ideas for future initiatives. Climate Change, Markets and Services Katoomba Group Training Initiative

Course Evaluation and Conclusion Final Questions and Comments Next Steps Climate Change, Markets and Services Katoomba Group Training Initiative