User Interfaces for DGRC Steven Feiner Surabhan Temiyabutr Department of Computer Science Columbia University New York, NY Supported by NSF Grant EIA Presentation to FedStats, March 30, 2001
2 Background: Team Approach User Interfaces Y1Hatzivassiloglou, Sandhaus Y2Feiner, Temiyabutr Databases Y1Gravano, Singla Y2Ross, Zaman, Ding Automatic Inter-Agency Ontologies Y1–2Klavans, Whitman
3 Background: Y2 Research User Interfaces Identify and address problem areas Develop query interface and link with ontology Databases Complete existing aggregation prototype Develop main memory techniques for speed Automatic Inter-Agency Ontologies Incorporate into SENSUS Add web crawler to extend coverage Develop mechanisms to merge definitions
4 User Interface Approach Redesign Y1 UI Heuristic analysis Prototypes Informal experiments Formal experiments and feedback
5 Redesign: Starting Point
6 Redesign: Next Steps Problem areas Query Alleviate “peep-hole” confusion of walking menu Results May interface with Marchionini et al. table browser Ontology Explore presentation strategies: layout, distortion viewing (e.g., fisheye), filtering,...
7 Redesign: Next Steps Problem areas History Support reuse and modification of previous queries Metainformation Determine utility and presentation approaches Integration Maintain consistency/linkage across displays Leverage ontology
8 Experiments Design/perform/analyze formal user experiments Feed back experimental results to UI design
9 Redesigning the Query Interface
10 Redesigning the Query Interface
11 Redesigning the Query Interface
12 Redesigning the Query Interface
13 Redesigning the Query Interface
14 Redesigning the Query Interface