Double Pendulum
The double pendulum is a conservative system. Two degrees of freedom The exact Lagrangian can be written without approximation. l l m m
Dimensionless Form Make substitutions: Divide by mglDivide by mgl t t(g/l) 1/2t t(g/l) 1/2 Find conjugate momenta as angular momenta.
Hamilton’s Equations Make substitutions: Divide by mglDivide by mgl t t(g/l) 1/2t t(g/l) 1/2 Find conjugate momenta as angular momenta.
Small Angle Approximation For small angles the Lagrangian simplifies. The energy is E = -3. The mode frequencies can be found from the matrix form. The winding number is irrational.
Phase Space The cotangent manifold T* Q is 4-dimensional. Q is a torus T 2. Energy conservation constrains T* Q to an n- torus Take a Poincare section. Hyperplane Select d /dt > 0 JJ 12
Boundaries The greatest motion in - space occurs when there is no energy in the -dimension Points must lie within a boundary curve. JJ
Fixed Points For small angle deflections there should be two fixed points. Correspond to normal modesCorrespond to normal modes JJ
Invariant Tori An orbit on the Poincare section corresponds to a torus. The motion does not leave the torus. Motion is “invariant” Orbits correspond to different energies. Mixture of normal modes next JJ