Simulations for EXL Hossein Moeini, for the EXL Collaboration KVI- University of Groningen.


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Presentation transcript:

Simulations for EXL Hossein Moeini, for the EXL Collaboration KVI- University of Groningen

EXL setup at NESR Gas-jet beam Geometry by Andrei Zalite, Milano

EXL Recoil Detector

Optimized Number of assemblies N = crystals ≈ 111 assemblies needed η η coverage ≈ 90 º & exit hole ≈ 7 º - 8 º 11 assemblies in η-direction => 9 or 11 in ψ-direction ? 9 assemblies in ψ-direction Gas-jet ψ

Crystal separations in a ring when we divide the forward ball in 7 (triangles), 9 (squares), and 11 (circles) ‏ assemblies for a range of 240 º in ψ-direction.

ESPA/EGPA Top View ; ψ-Assemblies beam

EGPA Forward Ball ; ψ/η-Assemblies beam Gas-jet

CPU-time/event for assemblized and not-assemblized EXL calorimeter time taken up for geometry optimization excluded Squares : assemblized calorimeter Triangles : not-assemblized calorimeter Empty signs : full calculation Full signs : tracking time

gaps between neighboring crystals in a ring (ψ-direction) ‏ Stars : assemblized geometries Squares : not-assemblized

Efficiency calculated for randomly thrown protons in θ=[15 º,35 º ] and Δφ=2π Full squares : all processes present Empty squares : in the absence of msc Triangles : in the absence of inelastic hadronic Circles : in the absence of msc and inelastic hadronic

EXL Calorimeter Beam Proposed configuration Alternative configuration

Triangles : backward part of calorimeter Squares : forward part of calorimeter

Triangles : backward part of calorimeter

msc off msc & inelastic off inelastic off

Energy Resolution for Protons for Region A 1mm ■ 0.5mm ▲ 0.1mm Δ No shell ┼

Magnetic elements done by Masoud Shafiei, University of Tehran implemented in Geant4 Beam

Outlook Simulations for the EXL with the full geometry available could be performed. Alternative way of building the spherical calorimeter with comparable efficiency to the proposed geometry is possible. Technical design report, based on the simulations, will be ready for 2010.

Non-assemblized Assemblized

Efficiency calculated for randomly thrown protons in θ=[15 º,35 º ] and Δφ=2π Stars : assemblized calorimeter Squares : not-assemblized calorimeter Empty signs : in absence of multiple scattering (msc)‏ Full signs : all physical processes present No silicon element and UHV shell in geometry