N C E O National Center on Educational Outcomes Accommodation Policies and Score Comparability Issues Martha L. Thurlow University of Minnesota
N C E O National Center on Educational Outcomes Policies on assessment accommodations exist in every state. The policies have attempted to address score comparability issues, usually in the absence of research NCEO regularly examines states’ policies on assessment participation and accommodations
N C E O National Center on Educational Outcomes Questions 1.What decision-making criteria are provided? 2.What accommodations are allowed without restriction, allowed with restrictions, or prohibited? 3.What do restrictions indicate about score comparability?
N C E O National Center on Educational Outcomes Study Procedures NCEO Update of previous analyses 1.Requested newest policy from all 50 states 2.Completed grids for all states and all accommodations (with notations) 3.Sent data to state for verification 4.Made changes only with written documentation [Collected policies through Sept 2001]
N C E O National Center on Educational Outcomes Participation policies generally have implications for accommodation policies. For example: Available to students other than those with disabilities and limited English proficiency? More than one alternate assessment? Focus today is only on accommodation policies!
N C E O National Center on Educational Outcomes Assessment Accommodation Policies
N C E O National Center on Educational Outcomes Assessment Accommodation Policies
N C E O National Center on Educational Outcomes Distinctions between “okay” and “not okay” accommodations are usually evident in terms used in policies States with different terms37 “Accommodation” Terminology States with single term13 Most common: accommodation and modification
N C E O National Center on Educational Outcomes Besides IEP, 504, and ELLs Colorado Kansas Oregon Rhode Island Wyoming Eligible Groups All for All Students Minnesota Washington Some for All Students New York All for Some Students KentuckyMarylandMississippi MaineMassachusettsNorth Dakota “All” Under Special Circumstances
N C E O National Center on Educational Outcomes Accommodations Most Often Allowed (With & Without Restrictions) Presentation Accommodations Number of States Allowing:WithoutWith Large Print463 Braille3514 Read Aloud*541 Sign Language Interpretation378 Read/Re-read/Clarify Directions*2910 *One state prohibits use
N C E O National Center on Educational Outcomes Accommodations Most Often Allowed (With & Without Restrictions) “Equipment” Accommodations Number of States Allowing:WithoutWith Magnification400 Amplification340 Light/Acoustics320 Calculator*1423 Templates/Graph Paper320 *One state prohibits use
N C E O National Center on Educational Outcomes Accommodations Most Often Allowed (With & Without Restrictions) Response Accommodations Number of States Allowing:WithoutWith Proctor/Scribe3117 Write in Test Booklet 372 Computer or Machine*309 Communication Device278 *One state prohibits use
N C E O National Center on Educational Outcomes Accommodations Most Often Allowed (With & Without Restrictions) Scheduling/Timing Accommodations Number of States Allowing:WithoutWith Extended Time*2616 With Breaks3310 Time Beneficial to Student350 Multiple Session312 *Three states prohibit use
N C E O National Center on Educational Outcomes Accommodations Most Often Allowed (With & Without Restrictions) Setting Accommodations Number of States Allowing:WithoutWith Individual Administration461 Small Group Administration462 Separate Room360 Carrel320 Seat Location/Proximity310
N C E O National Center on Educational Outcomes Prohibited Accommodations Top Five# of States Spell Checker/Assistance11 Extended Time3 Audio/Video Cassette2 Over Multiple Days2 Others*1 *Others include: Read Aloud Re-read, Clarify Directions Calculator Abacus Computer Student’s Home
N C E O National Center on Educational Outcomes Few states completely prohibit accommodations Policies are really complex, with clarifications about type of test, specific skills assessed, and certain student characteristics Generalizations Accommodation Policies