Department of Computer Science Welcome to WPI Computer Science! October 9, 2006
Department of Computer Science 2 CS at WPI Programs People Projects Breadth Careers
Department of Computer Science 3 Undergraduate Programs BS Computer Science BS Computers with Applications BS/MS program Minor in Computer Science NEW: BS Interactive Media & Game Dev PROPOSED: BS Bioinformatics PLANNING: BS Robotics Engineering
Department of Computer Science 4 Flexibility Wide choices in courses, projects Recommended background for courses 7-week terms Frequent course offerings: 44 Offerings of 28 Courses in 2006 07 Sample courses: Webware, Computer Animation, Data Mining, Adv Databases, Human-Computer Interaction
Department of Computer Science 5 CS at WPI Programs People Projects Breadth Careers
Department of Computer Science 6 People Faculty Students Courses Projects Research Advising
Department of Computer Science 7 Faculty Innovative educators and scholars 3 WPI Teaching Technology Fellows 1 Fulbright Scholar 5 NSF Career / PYI Awards Chair conferences WWW, Info Viz, Multimedia, Software Eng All tenure-track faculty have PhDs CMU, Columbia, Duke, GWU, MIT, Northeastern, Ohio State, Penn, Purdue, Technion, UChicago, UCIrvine, UCLA, UConn, UIndiana, UMass, UMd, UMinn
Department of Computer Science 8 CS Student Organizations ACM Programming contests Laboratory Social events Women in Computer Science WICS lounge Tutoring sessions Also IEEE, Game Development Club, …
Department of Computer Science 9 CS at WPI Programs People Projects Breadth Careers
Department of Computer Science 10 Projects Real solutions to real problems Many at industry, government labs Fun, challenging, professional Course projects
Department of Computer Science 11 CS MQP Project Centers: Wall St L EHMAN B ROTHERS
Department of Computer Science 12 CS MQP Project Centers: Silicon Valley
Department of Computer Science 13 Other CS Project Sponsors
Department of Computer Science 14 CS at WPI Programs People Projects Breadth Careers
Department of Computer Science 15 Breadth Humanities areas Art Drama Music Languages History Literature Philosophy … and more! Global projects Project centers Washington Denmark Ireland London Namibia Australia Boston / Worcester + CS Project Centers … and more! 1 term or summer
Department of Computer Science 16 CS Research Groups & Labs Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence in Design Congestion Control Data/Knowledge Bases Human Interaction in Virtual Environments Image Science Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining More...
Department of Computer Science 17 CS Research Groups & Labs Mobile Graphics Performance Evaluation of Distributed Systems (Networks) Research in FiltEring & Recommendation Software Engineering Software Tools Technology Theory Umbrella Group Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Department of Computer Science 18 Undergraduate CS Program
Department of Computer Science 19 Sample CS First Term CS 1101 or CS 1102 Introduction to Program Design or Accelerated Intro to Prog Design MA 1021Calculus I EN 2231 American Literature: The Raven, The Whale, And The Woodchuck PE 1018Co-Ed Volleyball
Department of Computer Science 20 Sample Weekly Schedule MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:00a 9:00a CS 1101 Lecture CS 1101 Lecture CS 1101 Lecture CS 1101 Lecture 10:00a EN 2231 Lecture EN 2231 Lecture EN 2231 Lecture EN 2231 Lecture 11:00a CS 1101 Lab 12:00n 1:00p MA 1021 Lecture MA 1021 Lecture MA 1021 Lecture MA 1021 Lecture 2:00p PE :00p MA 1021 Conference MA 1021 Lab
Department of Computer Science 21 CS Courses: 1000 level Introduction to Program Design Accelerated Introduction to Program Design
Department of Computer Science 22 CS Courses: 2000 level Introduction to Machine Organization and Assembly Language Discrete Mathematics Object-Oriented Design Concepts Object-oriented Design Concepts For Business Applications Algorithms Systems Programming Concepts
Department of Computer Science 23 CS Courses: 3000 level Operating Systems Human-Computer Interaction Social Implications of Information Processing Foundations of Computer Science Database Systems I Software Engineering
Department of Computer Science 24 CS Courses: 4000 level Numerical Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Systems Numerical Methods for Calculus and Differential Equations Analysis of Algorithms Theory of Computation Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Webware: Computational Technology for Network Information Systems Introduction to Artificial Intelligence More...
Department of Computer Science 25 CS Courses: 4000 level Database Systems II Distributed Computer Systems Computer Networks: Architecture and Implementation Computer Architecture Techniques of Programming Language Translation Computer Graphics Computer Animation
Department of Computer Science 26 CS at WPI Programs People Projects Breadth Careers
Department of Computer Science 27 Careers WPI CS Graduates are in demand Reasons: Smart Motivated Experienced Professional They “Get it” “The whole project- based education pays off in spades.” -Matt Young ’00, Manager, Microsoft
Department of Computer Science 28 Outlook “Highly favorable opportunities are expected for college graduates with at least a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering or computer science and with practical work experience.” U.S. Dept. of Labor, “The job market for computer science graduates moves so quickly that by the time anything is said about it, something new pops up …. However, two words will remain standard for some time to come— booming and profitable.”, “The California Employment Development Department estimates the need for computer software engineers will rise 43 percent between now and 2012.” San Jose Bus. J., 2005.
Department of Computer Science 29 What Employers Think > Sent: Sunday, January 08, :25 PM > Subject: A Blast from the Past >... > > The work keeps me very busy. My biggest problem is finding > people who can write "code generators" and who are also > reasonably priced. Writing code synthesis tools seems to be > a difficult proposition for most programmers. Its hard for > them to simultaneously think about code at two different > levels: the code that is doing the emitting and the structure > of the emitted code. This does not seem to be a problem for > XXX alumni. Also it is not a problem for WPI Alumni.
Department of Computer Science 30 CS at WPI Programs People Projects Breadth Careers
Department of Computer Science 31 MQPs from the Student’s Perspective
Department of Computer Science 32 Questions?