Thank you for participating in this survey. Please answer all the questions with consideration. Question number is indicated in the bottom right corner. You can click the next slide on the left side of this window to proceed.
How physically attractive would you say you are? More attractive than the average person A Less attractive than the average person B #1
How physically attractive would you say you are? unattractive extremely attractive #2
How satisfied are you with your physical appearance? Extremely unhappy Very happy #3
For the next few slides please indicate whether you consider yourself more or less attractive than the person in the photo.
I consider myself More AttractiveA Less AttractiveB #4
I consider myself More AttractiveA Less AttractiveB #5
I consider myself More AttractiveA Less AttractiveB #6
I consider myself More AttractiveA Less AttractiveB #7
I consider myself More AttractiveA Less AttractiveB #8
I consider myself More AttractiveA Less AttractiveB #9
Thanks again for participating! Please answer the final questions of the survey at this time.