1 Masterseminar „A statistical framework for the diagnostic of meningioma cancer“ Chair for Bioinformatics, Saarland University Andreas Keller Supervised by: Professor Doktor H. P. Lenhof
2 Outline Introduction Materials and Methods SEREX Microarray Conclusion Discussion Outline
3 What are meningiomas Benign brain tumors Arising from coverings of brain and spinal cord Slow growing Most common neoplasm (brain) Genetic alterations Introduction
5 meningioma in proportions Two times more often in women as in men More often in people older than 50 years
6 Introduction Materials and Methods SEREX Microarray Conclusion Discussion Outline
7 SEREX serological identification of antigens by recombinant expression cloning se r ex
8 SEREX – Identification expression of a human fetal brain library pooled sera 2nd antibody detection proteins bind on membrane
9 SEREX – Screening patients serum 2nd antibody detection agar plate specific genes
10 SEREX – Results
11 Microarrays System: cDNA microarrays spots Whole Genome Array Data: 8 samples per WHO grade 2 dura as negative controle 2 refPools as negative controle
12 Microarrays
13 Statistical Learning Supervised Learning Bayesian Statistics Support Vector Machines Discriminant Analysis Unsupervised Learning (Clustering) Feature Subset Selection Component Analysis (PCA, ICA)
14 Statistical Learning Crossvalidation Error Rates Training Error CV Error Test Error Specificity vs. Sensitivity tradeoff Receiver Operating Caracteristic Curve
15 Introduction Materials and Methods SEREX Microarray Conclusion Discussion Outline
16 Data situation: p = 57 n = 104 SEREX Goal: Predict meningioma vs. non meningioma Predict WHO grade
17 Bayesian Approach classgene Agene B serum 1 serum 2 serum 3 serum 4 serum 5 serum 6 serum 7 serum 8 serum 9 serum 10 serum 11 serum 12
18 Bayesian Approach classgene Agene B serum 1 serum 2 serum 3 serum 4 serum 5 serum 6 serum 7 serum 8 serum 9 serum 10 serum 11 serum
19 Bayesian Approach
20 Bayesian Approach classgene Agene B serum 1 serum 2 serum 3 serum 4 serum 5 serum 6 serum 7 serum 8 serum 9 serum 10 serum 11 serum
21 Bayesian Approach
22 Bayesian Approach
23 SEREX Conclusion Separation meningioma vs. non meningioma seems very well possible Separation into different WHO grades seems to be possible with a certain error
24 SEREX Conclusion Extend to other Brain tumors (glioma) Human cancer Disease Simplify experimental methods Develop a prediction system
25 Introduction Materials and Methods SEREX Microarray Conclusion Discussion Outline
26 Data situation: p = n = 26 Microarray 2 goals: Find significant genes Classify into WHO grades
27 Component analysis Take genes which differ from DURA Take genes which differ from refPool Take genes which differ between grades Take „publicated“ genes Split into chromosomes Dimension reduction 6 approaches
28 Component analysis Principal component analysis Independant component analysis
29 Analysis of grades genes tissues
30 Dura and refPool Justification for Dura Wherefrom to take? How to take? Genes different from normal tissue Good to classify into meningioma vs. healthy Justification for refPool Genes different between WHO grades Good to classify into grades
31 Published genes Several 100 genes are connected with meningioma in several publications Find these genes and investigate them example: Lichter 2004 – 61 genes with different expression WHOI in contrast to WHOII and III
32 Split into chromosomes As mentioned: often karyotypic alterations => Split genes into different chromosomes => Compare to karyotype losses: 22 1p 6q 10q 14q 18q gains: 1p 9q 12q 15q 17q 20q
33 Split into chromosomes
34 Classification Classification: Clustering SVM Discriminant Analysis Least Squares
35 SEREX derived genes
36 BN++ BN++ as a statistical tool Build a C++/R interface?? Use MatLab?? Use C++ librarys??
37 Introduction Materials and Methods SEREX Microarray Conclusion Discussion Outline
38 Workflow Large scale investigation of suspicious people by antigen analysis. If a positive prediction is made do further analysis (CT or similar). If necessary surgory. Further examinations with the gained tissue.
39 Introduction Materials and Methods SEREX Microarray Conclusion Discussion Outline
40 Introduction Materials and Methods SEREX Microarray Conclusion Discussion Outline