HI 1A - Raw Image
HI 1A – Shutterless/Flatfield Corrected Image (secchi_prep)
HI 1A – Bloom removed image
HI 1A – Background subtracted image
Starfield fitting for alignment
HI Calibration Parameters HI 1AHI 2A Pre-flight StarsPre-flightStars HI x offset (°) ± ±0.02 HI y offset (°) ± ±0.02 HI roll (°) ± ±0.001 Distortion parameter (μ) ± ±0.002 Fparaxial (mm) Platescale (degrees/pixel) CCD x offset (bins) ± ±0.2 CCD y offset (bins) ± ±0.3
HI Calibration Parameters HI 1BHI 2B Pre-flightStarsPre-flightStars HI x offset (°) ± ±0.2 HI y offset (°) ± ±0.2 HI roll (°) ±8x ±0.4 Distortion parameter (μ) ± ±0.001 Fparaxial (mm) Platescale (degrees per pixel) CCD x offset (bins) ± ±0.8 CCD y offset (bins) ± ±2
HI 1A – Star removal image
HI 2A – Milky Way
HI 2A – Magellanic Clouds
HI 1A – small-scale flatfield 1.Take series of images (at least 3) 2.Find the minimum value per pixel 3.Low-pass filter this background 4.Pixel-to-pixel variations are the difference between the two over small areas of the CCD 5.Do this many times to build up statistics for each pixel
HI 1A – small-scale flatfield
HI 1A – small-scale flatfield uncertainties
HI 1A – large-scale flatfield 1.Identify stars in image 2.Wait for them to drift through the field of view 3.Measure the variation in their intensities as they do so. 4.Do this for many stars.
HI 1A – large-scale flatfield