EIC Workshop 21 May 2008 Experience with high trigger R. Chris Cuevas Jefferson Lab Experimental Nuclear Physics Division Topics Cebaf’s Large Acceptance Spectrometer – CLAS Trigger design parameters Performance Notes to GeV Upgrade – Trigger Requirements & Solutions EIC Trigger requirements – New challenges (A few slides from Dec07 Workshop) Future technology
CLAS Trigger Design Parameters Photon & Electron Experiments with polarized targets, polarized beam High Luminosities cm -2 s -1 : DAQ event rate designed to 10KHz Dead-timeless, low latency Level 1 (<125ns) Pipelined (133MHz) clock Fast Level 1 for ADC Gate, TDC Start Level 2 (Drift Chamber) Pass/Fail Up to 32 Front End Readout Crates (ROC) Sector based, pattern recognition programming Implementation VXI 9U x 360mm sector modules (Level 1 Router) Event Processor ( Programmable sector coincidences) Very low propagation pipeline stage (15ns) ECLps technology for most logic Trigger Supervisor manages trigger signals and interrupts the front end crate ReadOut Controllers. Level 2 trigger signal created with external logic from Drift Chamber system. Level 2 fail issues Fast Clear to Fastbus modules. TOF 6 Identical Sectors ECalCerenkov Drift Chambers 3 Regions
CLAS Overall Trigger Block Diagram SECTOR1SECTOR1 SECTOR3SECTOR3 SECTOR4SECTOR4 SECTOR5SECTOR5 SECTOR6SECTOR6 EVENTPROCEVENTPROC TRIGGERTRIGGER SUPERVISORSUPERVISOR TOF_D TOF_T EC CC SECTOR2SECTOR2 Forward Carriage Trigger Crate Level 2 Pass Level 2 Fail BUSY Level 1 Accept CLEAR Branch Cables to all ROCS Level 1 Trigger Distribution FC Rocs Start/Gate * DG535 DELAY DECK1 DG535 DELAY DECK2 DG535 DELAY DECK ROCS STOPS Deck ROCS STOPS Deck ROCS STOPS Deck3 OR B U S Y LEVEL2 LOGIC “HBTG”** FROM Drift Chambers [ADBs] * LAC Not Shown ** HBTG == L1 Accept Cuevas -- Electronics Group 18 May 1999
Level 2 Trigger Block Diagram Track Segment Finders and Majority Logic R1Axial R3Axial R2Stereo R3Stereo R2Axial e Sector 1 142° Sector2 Sector3 Sector4 Sector5 Sector6 Drift Chambers Segment Collectors Space Frame Decks 1-3 Segment Finders Each Superlayer VME Majority Logic VME Control to Select Majority Function CPU NIM/ECL To TDC {DC4} To Forward Carriage Level 2 Latch ** ** Majority Logic Boards designed on VME Flexible I/O format Two NIM outputs per board. Majority Logic function selected by VME control. One output drives a local TDC and the other output goes to the forward carriage Latch module. Cuevas -- Electronics Group 18 May 1999
CLAS Trigger Performance Notes (1996 Present) All FastBus front end modules 1872A TDC, 1877TDC, 1881 ADC Struck FastBus Interface – Motorola VME Cpu No Level 2 implemented Long conversion time (1.8us/chan 1872A single hit TDC) limits trigger rate Events NOT pipelined in the ReadOut Controller (ROC) ATM network to ROC < 3KHz event trigger rate Level 2 implemented - Drift Chamber regions with majority logic Electron(L1) and a track in a sector can be combined for L2 pass or fail Replace 1872A with VME pipeline TDC(CAEN) Upgrade Motorola Cpu (ROC) 100MB Ethernet network adapted to ROCs Other DAQ methods improve event trigger rate to ~8KHz LIMITATIONS Trigger Supervisor support of 32 crates Max Triggers are not pipelined ( 1 Trigger ->1 Event readout cycle ) Gated ADC (1881) Analog signal *stored* in delay cable Photon experiment triggers not easily implemented with Level 1 hardware
CLAS Trigger Performance Notes (1996 Present) Other Performance Notes Relatively low failure rate of FastBus instrumentation Aging BiRa FastBus crate power supplies will be replaced with Wiener product for 1877 TDC crates only Air flow cooling design has worked well Virtually no hardware failures for custom Level 1 Trigger System *VXI crate and power supply converted to Wiener product Virtually no hardware failures for custom Level 2 Trigger modules (~400 ) Very recent implementation of VME CAEN programmable (FPGA) logic modules for the g12 photon beam experiment. Photon trigger hardware is coupled to original Level 1 modules to create triggers for CLAS. In use since April 2008, with excellent results and new trigger GUI.
12 GeV Trigger Requirements Hall D Hall B
12 GeV Trigger Requirements Hall D Reduce total hadronic rate from 350KHz to true tagged hadronic rate of ~14KHz Use Level1 hardware trigger and Level 3 farm to achieve this 25:1 reduction Level 1 hardware trigger efficiently cuts low energy photon interactions Level 1 trigger hardware design goal is 200KHz Level 1 uses: Energy Sum from Barrel Calorimeter Energy Sum from Forward Calorimeter Charged track counts (Hits) from TOF Charged track counts (Hits) from Start Counter Tagger Energy (Hit counts) Simulations show that this Level1 cut method achieves ~150KHz trigger rate Relatively ‘open’ Level 1 trigger ‘Physics’ event Cut backround
12 GeV Trigger Hardware Hall D – “How do you perform this Level1 cut with hardware? Use FLASH ADC for detector signals that are included in the Level 1 trigger Detector signals are stored in front end boards Energy Sum is computed at the board, crate, and subsystem (BCAL,FCAL) Synchronous system and Trigger Supervisor performs event blocking at the ROC level 8us buffer on front end boards allows for trigger decision (latency) Use high speed fiber optic/serial data transfer between front end crates Easily supports 64 readout crates and is easily expandable Digital Pipeline Front End “Digitizer” FE/DAQ Interface Trigger Analog Data To ROC Event Block Buffers Every n (256) events Every event
12 GeV Trigger Hardware Block Diagram: Hall D Level 1 Trigger BCAL SUM FCAL SUM TOF TRACK COUNT START COUNTER TRACK COUNT TAGGER ENERGY PAIR SPECTROMETER ENERGY SUM PROCESSOR SUM/TIME (8 INPUTS) ENERGY SUM PROCESSOR SUM/TIME (8 INPUTS) FADC - VXS- -Fiber links- 12 Crates -Fiber links- 12 Crates ENERGY SUM PROCESSOR** SUM/TIME (8 INPUTS) ** Process Track Counts -Fiber links- 2 Crates * Longest Link * -Fiber links- 2 Crates - Fiber link- 1 Crates GTP Select FCAL Energy, BCAL Energy, Photon Energy, AND Track Counts,= TRIGGER SUPERVISOR CLOCK TRIGGER SYNC ROC CONTROL Signal distribution to Front End Crates (Fiber Links) ‘Crate’ ‘SubSystem’‘Global’ ‘Trigger Supervisor’
z 16 channel 250 Msps Flash ADCEnergy Sum Module VXS High Speed Serial Backplane Latest Designs
12 GeV Trigger Requirements Hall B Photon & Electron Experiments with polarized targets, polarized beam Increase Luminosity to cm -2 s -1 : DAQ event rate increase 10KHz(25-30MB/s) Retain sector based trigger scheme Add PreCal, Low Threhold Cerenkov counter Add Silicon Vertex Tracker, and Central TOF Upgrade Drift Chamber Level 2 Hardware Replace FastBus ADC modules with FlashADCs (Keep Multi-Hit 1877s TDC) FlashADC design will be used for Calorimeter Energy Sum and ‘Cluster’ finding Level 1 trigger will be promptly sent to SVT and the Drift Chamber Level 2 hardware Level 2 will employ a ‘Road Finder’ to link all three Drift Chamber regions per sector FlashADC and custom trigger modules will be identical to Hall D for cost savings and efficient use of design and implementation resources!
12 GeV Front End Electronics & Level 1 Trigger Modules - (~400) FADC250 - (<40) Crate Trigger Processor - (~80) Trigger Interface - (~80) Signal Distribution Detector Signals Fiber Optic Clock/Trigger Distribution Crate Trigger Processor Fiber Optic Distribution (8) (2) (12) (# Boards) - (~140) F1TDC Clock (1) Cuevas Updated 28MARCH08 ** Standard VXS Crate Implement GTP on two Switch Slots
12 GeV Trigger Hardware A few other nice features of JLAB custom Trigger Modules Collaborative efforts of JLAB Fast Electronics, JLAB DAQ, and Christopher Newport University groups.
Christopher Newport University Subsystem Processors (SSPs) All subsystem processors reside in Global Trigger Crate –All subsystem processors are same physical PC boards! Each SSP receives up to eight four-lane “crate data links” –Some SSPs divided into two boards (because of crate count) If so – both board “Partial Results” sent to global processor Eight SSPs are needed: –Two for BCAL – Energy Subsystem Processor (ESP) –Two for FCAL – Energy Subsystem Processor (ESP) –One for Start Counter – Hit Subsystem Processor (HSP) –One for TOF – Hit Subsystem Processor (HSP) –One for Tagger – Tagger Subsystem Processor –One spare! Each subsystem processor sends time-stamped Subsystem Event Reports (SER) to all Global Trigger Processors (as in CTP-SSP link)
Christopher Newport University SSP
Christopher Newport University The Global Trigger Crate Eight SubSystem Processors (SSPs) on one logical “Side” One or more Global Trigger Processors (GTPs) on other “Side” SSPs are connected to the GTPs via a “partial-mesh” backplane –8 x 2 Mesh Initially (VXS!) Each SSP talks to each GTP via a four-lane Aurora Backplane Link Each SSP sources two four-lane links to the backplane Each GTP sinks eight four-lane links from the backplane
Christopher Newport University The Global Trigger Crate (logical view) SSP Array GTP Array bcal ESPs fcal ESPs tof HP strt HP phot EP VME/ VXS Clk/ Trig In
Christopher Newport University GTP Logic 8 Trigger Bits 2-8 Trigger Bits
Christopher Newport University Example GTP Trigger Equation Implementation Z >= TFM*HTOF + EFM*EFCal + RM*((EFCal +1)/(EBCal + 1)) HTOF - Hits Forward TOF EFCal - Energy Forward Calorimeter EBCal - Energy Barrel Calorimeter Equation was implemented in VHDL using Xilinx synthesis tools and Virtex 5 LX220 FPGA All computing done in pipelined, 32bit floating point arithmetic Subsystem processor data was converted from integers to floating point Equation is computed every 4ns and trigger bit is updated if Z is above a programmable threshold Each coefficient is “variable” – can be changed very quickly without having to reprogram FPGA Used Xilinx specific math libraries (+, -, *, /, sqrt) Synthesis and implementation resulted in using 3% of LX220 FPGA Latency was 69 clock cycles => 276ns delay introduced for forming L1 trigger Algorithm was targeted to run at a 300MHz clock speed without significant effort.
EIC Trigger Hardware Goals (Copied Slides)
EIC Trigger Hardware Goals (Copied Slides)
Summary CLAS high rate trigger system has been very reliable for over a decade Evolution of improvements to trigger rate by ‘upgrading’ aging hardware FLASHADC used for detector signals that ‘create’ the trigger 250MHz sample rate(4ns) with 8us data buffer Energy summing and other trigger logic created from detector signals Elegant VXS backplane implementation takes advantage of high speed serial links Latest Field Programmable Gate Arrays used to implement trigger ‘equations’ Full synchronous system managed by Trigger Supervisor Trigger distribution Event data blocking and ReadOut Controller interupts Flexible system design (same module designs) used for two complex experimental Halls New FPGA inputs can accept very high (1.2Gbps) input data from higher speed ADC chips.
Questions? Discussion?
VXS Crate with: (16) FADC-250 (1)Sum Board (1) Clock/Trig/Sync Cpu not shown 36” Deep 19” Standard JLAB Rack Fan Tray/Crate control Examples of physical rack layout drawings ALL equipment must be shown to identify rack space issues (i.e. Network gear, patch panels, splitter panels, etc.) Airflow/Cooling issues will need to be identified and resolved