8-Bit Gray Code Converter By Martin Serena, Dang Ly, Khoa Ly
Overview Gray Code Background Delegated Duties Method of Design Target Specifications Simulation Results Block Diagram Schematics, Symbols, Layouts, and Simulations Design References Conclusion
Gray Code Background Conversion works in both directions Binary Gray , Gray Binary One bit changes from number to number Not arithmetic Not weighted (e.g. 222120) Limits the amount of error that can occur when several bits change between numbers No limit to number of converted bits
Binary to Gray Code Conversion 1 + 1 + + (BC) 1 1 (GC) MSB does not change as a result of conversion Start with MSB of binary number and add it to neighboring binary bit to get the next Gray code bit Repeat for subsequent Gray coded bits
Gray to Binary Code Conversion 1 1 (GC) + + + 1 1 (BC) MSB does not change as a result of conversion Start with MSB of binary number and add it to the second MSB of the Gray code to get the next binary bit Repeat for subsequent binary coded bits
Delegated Duties Martin – Binary to Gray Conversion, Gray to Binary Conversion (XOR gates) Dang – Binary/Gray Output Selection (MUXs) Khoa – Binary Code Counter, Parallel-to-Parallel Shift Register (D flip-flops)
Method of Design Decided on an initial load capacitance (Cin) Partitioned the circuit into different propagation delay times according to gate/device requirements, and divided propagation delay times amongst the individual gates and devices Created the symbol and layout for out each type of gate (XOR, MUX, NAND) Connected gate symbols to create device symbols Connected gate layouts to create device layouts Connected device symbols to create circuit schematics, and connected device layouts to create circuit layouts
Target Specifications Conversion: Binary Code to Gray Code Gray Code to Binary Code Propagation delay times: XOR (each): 0.4 nS MUX (each): 0.3 nS D flip-flop (each): 0.63 nS (worst-case fall time) Technology specs (size): Minimum Channel Width = 1.5 m Minimum Channel Length = 0.6 m Power < ¼ Watt Clock Speed = 200 MHz Total area as small as possible
Simulation Results Successfully converts binary and Gray codes Propagation Delay XOR (each): 0.338 nS (worst-case) MUX (each): 0.35 nS (worst-case) D flip-flop (each): 1.14 nS (worst-case fall time) Technology specs (size) Transistor Lengths: 0.6 m XOR: Wp = 3.9 m Wn = 3.75 m MUX: Wp = 6 m Wn = 3 m D Flip-Flop: Wp = 18 m Wn = 10 m
Simulation Results Power (using the power meter) Clock Speed 39.94 mW Clock Speed 200 MHz Total Area Gray code converter: 6.03E-4 cm2 Counter: 10.2E-4 cm2
Block Diagram
XOR Schematic
XOR Symbol
XOR Layout
XOR Extracted
XOR LVS Report
XOR Test Bench
XOR Transient Analysis
XOR Threshold
MUX Schematic
MUX Symbol
MUX Layout
MUX Extracted
MUX LVS Report
MUX Test Bench
MUX Transient Analysis
MUX Transient Analysis
NAND3 Schematic
NAND3 Symbol
NAND3 Layout
NAND3 Extracted
NAND3 LVS Report
NAND3 Test Bench
NAND3 Transient Analysis
D Flip-Flop Schematic
D Flip-Flop Symbol
D Flip-Flop Layout
D Flip-Flop Extracted
D Flip-Flop LVS Report
D Flip-Flop Test Bench
D Flip-Flop Transient Analysis
Counter Schematic
Counter Symbol
Counter Layout
Counter Extracted
Counter LVS Report
Counter Transient Analysis
Gray Code Converter Schematic
Gray Code Converter Symbol
Gray Code Converter Layout
Gray Code Converter Extracted
Gray Code Converter LVS Report
Gray Code Converter Test Circuit
Gray Coded Transient Analysis
Binary Coded Transient Analysis
Design References CMOS Integrated Circuits Digital Fundamentals By Kang Digital Fundamentals Thomas Floyd
Conclusion We designed and simulated a Gray code converter that converts binary coded numbers to Gray coded numbers and vice versa The nmos and pmos transistor widths were greater than 1.5 m The power specifications were well below ¼ Watt and a code conversion took place within 5 nS Our target specifications were met