2 Recovery Month National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month 21 st Anniversary in Theme – Join the Voices for Recovery: Now More Than Ever! Highlights the people for whom treatment and long-term recovery have given a renewed outlook on life Recognizes the impact that treatment and recovery services has on not just the individual, but everyone around them – family, friends and the community Celebrates those who have worked to advance the treatment and recovery landscape
3 Web Site –
4 Partnering With Your Recovery Month Community Events Raise awareness about addiction Recognize individuals who work in the substance abuse treatment field Recognize accomplishments of people in recovery Educate about substance abuse as a national public health problem in America
5 Organization type that held Recovery Month community events in 2009
6 Recovery Month Activities Recovery Month events, no matter how large or small, can go a long way in promoting the benefits of recovery Such events can include: Congregational educational program A walk, run, or bicycle ride A Picnic or Cookout A Townhall Meeting A Movie or Video Discussion Group A Worship or Prayer Service For more information on event planning:
Recovery Month Toolkit This year’s theme: Join the Voices for Recovery: Now More than Ever! Emphasizes how high levels of stress may contribute to or exacerbate alcohol or drug use, which can lead to a substance use disorder or relapse. Three sections: Media Outreach Targeted Outreach Resources You can order hardcopies of the toolkit and Download the complete version at Month-Kit.aspx
Recovery Month Toolkit- Targeted Outreach This section offers general overview materials and audience- specific information about how stress and substance use disorders, treatment, and recovery influence various groups. The materials include brief fact sheets that can be used in your weekly bulletins or newsletters, and in-depth pieces you can tailor to reach your faith community. Fact sheets contain information on: Commonly Misused Substances Treatment and Recovery Stress and Substance Use Disorders in Families Development of Substance Use Disorders in Older Adults
9 Recovery Month Toolkit- Resources The resource section provides guidance and ideas to raise awareness year round about recovery and Recovery Month. Also, you can share these resources with your faith community members to encourage themto participate in the recovery movement and volunteer to help educate and reach others. The resource section contains: A New Media Glossary- to help you use new media in your organization The Online Voices for Recovery Information on Building Community Coalitions Information on Recovery Month Planning Partners
10 Road to Recovery Join the Voices for Recovery: Now More Than Ever! – February 3 Homelessness and Substance Use Disorder Treatment: Recovery-Oriented Housing and Achieving Healthy Lifestyles – March 3 Ignoring Instructions: The Importance of Using Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medications Properly – April 7 Maintaining Resiliency and Sustaining Recovery: Ensuring That Recovery Lasts a Lifetime – May 5 Recovery at Any Age: Young People Can and Do Recover – June 2 Recovery and the Media: Addiction in Entertainment and the News – July 7 Embracing Diversity: Crossing Barriers to Deliver Treatment to Everyone – August 4 Language Matters: Talking About Addiction and Recovery – September 1 The Road to Recovery 2010: A Showcase of Events – November 3
11 SAMHSA’s National Helpline HELP Provides treatment referral and information on addiction, treatment and recovery Connects to local intake office identified by the states for local treatment opportunities - option 1 Connects to live representative for all information - option 2 Connects to live Spanish-speaking representative - option 3 Used in Recovery Month print materials, PSAs and The Road to Recovery series 24-hour, free, confidential service English and Spanish Averages 27,000 calls per month
For more information, visit or contact: Ivette Torres Associate Director for Consumer Affairs Center for Substance Abuse Treatment Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration