EELE 5490 Fall 2009 EELE 5490, Fall, 2009 Wireless Communications Ali S. Afana Department of Electrical Engineering Class 1 Sep. 30 th, 2009
[2][2] Outline Instructor information Motivation to study wireless communications and networks Course descriptions and textbooks What you will study from this course Objectives Coverage and schedule Homework, projects, and exams Other policies Reasons to be my students
[3][3] Instructor Information Office location: B262 Phone: 2809 Course website: Research interests: Cognitive Radio Intelligent Wireless Communications
[4][4] Motivations Recent Development –Cellular system: 3G, 4G, video, game, –WIFI everywhere –WIMAX, –UWB, no cables –Bluetooth, small devices connections Job Market –Probably one of most easy and high paid majors recently –Intel changes to wireless, Micron will follow? Cypress Research Potential –multiuser communication & Cognitive radio are still an open issues.
[5][5] Course Descriptions What is the wireless communication system? What are the wireless channels? What are the theorems? What are the major components and techniques? How is the information transmitted? What are the current industrial standards? Can I find a job by studying this course? Can I find research topics?
[6][6] Textbook and Software Require textbook: Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition, Theodore S. Rappaport, Prentice Hall, Require Software: MATLAB; Recommended readings Digital communications: J. Proakis, Digital Communications Random process: G.R. Grimmett and D.R. Stirzaker, Probability and Random Processes Estimation and detection: H.V. Poor, An introduction to Signal Detection and Estimation Information theory: T. M. Cover and J. A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory Error correct coding: P.Sweeney, Error Control Coding Computer Networks: A. S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks
[7][7] Schedule Cellular concept and network concept - Chapter 2 Wireless Channel Large scale loss: chapter 3 Small scale loss, Fading: chapter 4 Wireless communications technique Modulation, chapter 5 Equalization, diversity and channel coding, chapter 6 Wireless Networks and Standards chapter 8,9,10
[8][8] Homework, Project, and Exam Homework 3~4 questions per week Projects: Wireless Channel Simulation: simple MATLAB programs Term presentation: For research on xxx, what is the state-of-art Exams Votes for the percentages for homework, projects, and exams Participations Attendance and Feedback
[9][9] Teaching Styles Slides plus black board Slides can convey more information in an organized way Blackboard is better for equations and prevents you from not coming. A lesson from last semester: math Course Website Print handouts with 3 slides per page before you come Homework assignment and solutions Project descriptions and preliminary codes Feedback Too fast, too slow, small class advantages. Presentation, English, …
[10] Reasons to be my students Wireless Communication and Networking have great market Usually highly paid and have potential to retire overnight Highly interdisciplinary Do not need to find research topics which are the most difficult part. Research Assistant, Stipend Free trips to conferences in Alaska, Hawaii, Europe, Asia… A kind of nice (at least looks like) Work with hope and happiness Graduate fast
[11] Questions?
[12] Wireless Communications Satellite TV Cordless phone Cellular phone Wireless LAN, WIFI Wireless MAN, WIMAX Bluetooth Ultra Wide Band Wireless Laser Microwave GPS Ad hoc/Sensor Networks
[13] Channel, Bandwidth, Spectrum Bandwidth: the number of bits per second is proportional to B
[14] Mobile Radio telephone AMPS: advanced mobile phone system
[15] North American Major Standards PCS GSM Coreless FDMA TDMA CDMA Modulation –FM –QPSK –GMSK –BPSK –QAM
[16] Europe Standards GSM CT2 Dect
[17] Japan Standards
[18] Basic concepts Simplex, half-duplex, and full duplex Frequency division duplexing, FDD –Most of system because of simplicity Time division duplexing, TDD: –indoor system only, because of delay Different from FDMA and TDMA
[19] Basic concepts (cont.)
[20] Pager System
[21] Cellular system Mobile identification number (MIN) electronic serial number (ESN) Chapter 2
[22] Land phone calls cellular phone
[23] Cellular phone calls land phone
[24] Mobile
[25] Base Station
[26] Homework Read Chapter 1
[27] Questions?