Veto Counter test Hyupwoo Lee 2007/06/18
Setup – cable length test 2 scope setup - recall Cable_Length.SET using floppy disk Section # -> C02, C08, C14 HV -> 1600V # of events averaged -> 256 Pannel #10 PMT -> PMT77 Thorn signal cable length for big pannel varies 323cm (x1, x2, x3) File names in compressed zip file i.e. p10_1_h16_C02_e256_x1.xls -> p(pannel#)_(PMT)_h(HV in 100V)_s(section#)_e(# of events averaged)_x(# of connected calbles for big pannel's signal).xls
Cable length Test As cable goes longer, signals are distorted a little, but it seems OK. As timing, shifting the signal is roughly matched with cable delay(5.5ns/m) Roughly small signal shows the same feature only but amplitude
Signals vs. time
About position
Peak amplitude vs. sections Total charge vs. sections
Time characteristic
Setup – Timing test 1 scope setup - recall timing.SET using floppy disk Section varies C02, C08, C14 (#8 at center and #1 is the nearest section to tested PMT) HV -> 1600V # of events for one data -> 1 Pannel #10 PMT -> PMT77 Thorn signal cable length for big pannel -> 323cm File names in compressed zip file i.e. p10_1_h16_s02_e32.xls -> p(pannel#)_(PMT)_h(HV in 100V)_(section#)_s(sample #).xls 2 different DAQ method - Taking waveform from scope (25 samples for each section) determine the timing 3 ways(slide #11). - Using math func. in scope (80 samples for each section)
Timing Test Standard deviation of timing(signal’s falling edge to trigger’s falling edge) is ~10ns Signals are delayed by the length between hit position and PMT.
Problem with scope math func.
Timing 1.10% Peak – From 10% of signal’s minimum V to trigger signal 2.10% Charge – From where accumulated charge reaches 10% of signal’s total charge to trigger signal 3.200fC – From where accumulated charge reaches 200fC to trigger signal
Timing vs. Section
Plan for Future Take data with both PMTs (Add two signals from both PMTs) Measure the white noise level in various circumstances(w/ filter or attenuator)? FEB test for veto wall