Colorado Space Grant Consortium Gateway To Space ASEN / ASTR 2500 Class #2 Gateway To Space ASEN / ASTR 2500 Class #2
-Who is here for the first time? -Who has class at 11:00 today? -1 Minute Report, use same number and put full name on them -Attendance Sheet -Next time BalloonSat Overview and HW 01 Due (Remember to follow naming guidelines on syllabus) -Pictures Today:
How to get an A
How to get an A : “Everyone starts out with an A” You have to try really hard to get anything lower than C- Not in the business of giving bad grades… …But you get the grade you earn Please, Please, Don’t Cheat
How to get an A :
Grades are based on a normal 100 point scale There is no curve Team project and participation are based on your team evaluation and instructor evaluation Feedback will be slow Grader – Jennifer McGraw Helper - Kendra Kilbride
How to get an A : Grade Breakdown - 30% Coursework - Attendance (33) - 1 Minute Reports (~30) - Homework (1-4,6) - Community service (1) - 5% Homework % Final Exam - 8% Team Proposal - 8% Team Presentations (3) - 10% Team Design Document (2 Revs) - 12% Team Project and Participation - 17% Final Team Report & Presentation 45% You 55% Team
- Everyone must do a community service activity - Must be something you are not doing for any other class - Preferred if it is related to this class, your college major, or your interest in space - Community service must be completed before last day of class - Form is on the class website and must be signed Community Service :
- Attendance will be taken (Signing for friends) -Coming in late… - Communications via and this class - Travel and sick Miscellaneous :
-Mutual Respect “Shut up and be quiet” -Clap and questions -Office hours 10:45-11:45 T & Th or by appointment -Where to Find Me… Where to Find Me…Where to Find Me… -Notes – Take them -Book(s) for course Miscellaneous :
Book(s) for course - Typical engineering book cost $100, $90, $80, $70 $100, $90, $80, $70 This Book… - $ Rocket Boys Homer Hickam Also…Set aside $25 for batteries Miscellaneous :
Book(s) for course This Book… - $ Moondust – In search of the men who fell to Earth Andrew Smith Also…Set aside $25 for batteries Miscellaneous :
1 Minute Report
1 Minute Report :
Homework : Submit via - Subject should be in this format “HW XX Lastname Firstinitial” - Send all items to - Get from Website First Homework is…
Website :
Final Word You’ll Never…
Space Grant Open House August 27, :30 PM DLC 1B70
- How do you actually pronounce your name? - How do we determine our teams? - How big are teams? - How much work will we do outside the class per week? - What are we doing with the books? - Can I volunteer at Space Grant? - Can you be a faculty mentor? - Do you have to have previous experience? - Are there any tests or quizzes? - Do we find our own community service project? - What does RFP mean? - Which Star Wars movie should a I watch? 1 Minute Reports:
- How do you actually pronounce your name? - How do we determine our teams? - How big are teams? - How much work will we do outside the class per week? - What are we doing with the books? - Can I volunteer at Space Grant? - Can you be a faculty mentor? - Do you have to have previous experience? - Are there any tests or quizzes? - Do we find our own community service project? - What does RFP mean? - Which Star Wars movie should a I watch? 1 Minute Reports:
Colorado Space Grant Consortium Spacecraft Overview Class #2 Spacecraft Overview Class #2
- Say you wanted to put this into orbit… Introduction: - What are the questions you need to answer to do this?
- What type of orbit would it need to be in? - How much would it cost? - How much would it weigh? - How long would it take to get it to orbit? - What would you have to worry about? - How long would it work? - How do you know it will work when it gets there? - What would you need? Questions:
- Launch Vehicle - Temperature Control System - Communication System - Command and Data System - Structure and Mechanisms - Power System - Attitude System - Software - Propulsion System - Cash What Do You Need? - Schedule - Budget - Plan - Testing - Reliability - Operators - People, People, People - Organization
Organization? PowerComm Project Management Structures Thermal ADCSC&DH MOPSGround Ops Education Web ScienceSoftware Systems Engineering - Teamwork
- Radiation - Temperature Extremes - Vacuum of Space - Atmospheric Drag - Cleanliness - Launch Loads - Shock - Power - Mission Life What To Worry About? - Autonomy - Cash - Pointing - Schedule - Weight
- The answers to these questions make up most spacecraft systems - Today we’ll look at most of them Answers:
Organization? PowerComm Project Management Structures Thermal ADCSC&DH MOPSGround Ops Education Web ScienceSoftware Systems Engineering - Teamwork
1. Mission 2. Orbit Selection 3. Launch Vehicle 4. Everything else - Structures, Interfaces, and Mechanisms - The Process:
- Do you want to take picture of Boulder every day? - At the same time? - As many times as possible per day? - Pick orbit right up front Different Types of Orbits - Polar Orbits - LEO - GEO - Different altitudes and inclinations - Sun Synchronous Orbits - STK (Satellite Tool Kit) Orbit Selection:
-Then pick launch vehicle based on your orbit needs -Weight needs -Cost needs -Certain launch vehicles can’t go to all orbits Launch Vehicle:
-Your launch vehicle helps direct your structure design -Volume, CG, and weight constraints -Launch loads and shock issues associated with LV -Interface constraints -Vibration constraints Structure:
-The whole purpose of the structure is to support the payload -Then the other systems -Composites - Honeycomb -Aluminum - Plate - Isogrid -Titanium -Stainless Steel Structure:
- In addition to structure you have mechanisms - People are afraid of mechanisms - Two types, deployment and payload support - They usually are single point failures - Hard to test on ground as they are used in space - Mast example (Special Programs, Balloon) - KC-135 Boom Video Mechanisms:
- Deployment failures usually are mission ending - Spacecraft design try to minimize mechanisms - Deployment mechanisms are the biggest concern - Pointing mechanisms are less of an issue Mechanisms:
- Think of it as an internet connection - Data rates are similar - Can only connect for 10 minutes (pass time) - This can vary based on orbit - Transmitter (TX) - Receiver (RX) - Antennas (TX, RX, and Ground) - Sometimes modems and TNC - TX are big power hogs but usually not on all the time - Cell phone technology - IP technology Communication:
-Attitude Determination and Control System -Driving a car on a mountain pass at night without headlights and no tires -Some determination can be done on ground - Determination System - Star Trackers, Magnetometer, Sun Sensors - Booms ADCS: +Zst +Yst +Xst
-Controls Systems - Torque Rods, Momentum Wheel, Thrusters, gyros - A lot of software and control laws ADCS:
-There is high likelihood of power being the reason a satellite fails -Miniature power plant -Most spacecraft use less power than a 300 W light bulb -Very complicated system -Batteries Power:
-Solar cells -Charging circuits -Distribution system -Control system -Conversion system Power:
- Is limiting factor on long missions - Station keeping - Attitude Control - Delta V burns (orbit maneuvers) - Atmospheric Drag - Different types - Mono-propellant - Bi-propellant - Cold Gas - Ion Propulsion:
- Can make or break a system literally - Three types of thermal control: Active, Passive, Do Nothing - Active - Heaters, heat pipes, thermostats, cryogenics - Passive - Radiators, insulation, surface finishes, conductive materials - Do Nothing - Usually a combination of first two Thermal:
-Command and Data Handling -The brain of a satellite -Is pretty dumb without software -Basically a home computer but much smaller and less of a power hog -Very difficult system, many unknowns and bugs C&DH:
-Consists of: - Motherboard or CPU - Firmware - Storage device or medium - Sub-nets or sub processors - Many sensors - Many interface boards C&DH:
- Programmers are worth weight in gold - Days of Voyager spacecraft are over - Today, satellites are very complex and so is the software - Software is usually last thing done - Last minute fixes are very dangerous Software:
- “Houston, we have a problem” - MOPS is the command center of the satellite - All human interaction occurs through this team - Much coordination is required to properly operate satellite - Failure modes determined FMEA - Data storage and analysis - All communication is done through MOPS - Usually staffed 24/7 Mission Operations:
- Management - Systems Engineering - Budgets - Contracts - Planners - Manufacturers & Technicians - Test Engineers Other:
Anatomy of a Satellite:
Colorado Space Grant Consortium Questions?
Colorado Space Grant Consortium Picture Time