A Domain-Specific Language for Financial Products Arie van Deursen May 2001
2 Financial Products Financial needs of large customers Start date, short / long maturity, currency Manage risks (opportunities) currency / interest rates Interest rate products: Loan, bond, option, future, swap Different rate expectations / risk reallocation Interbank trade.
3 Deposit Cash Flows Principle Amount Flow startmaturity Interest Amount Flow startmaturity Interest Payment period
4 Currency Interest Rate Swap Start date: Bank A and Bank B exchange a large principle amount. Bank A: Currency A, fixed interest rate P. Bank B: Currency B, floating market rate. Interest payment intervals Maturity: swap back principle amounts. Valuation depends on market expectations
5 Staying Competitive Banks introduce new interest rate products Software implications: Management information systems (risk!) Financial administration All sorts or reporting Bank’s solution: Software generation
6 Risla Rente Informatie Systeem -- Language Describe essence of interest rate products in domain-specific language Appropriate level of abstraction Generate necessary Cobol routines Interface to bank’s existing systems Started in 1990 CAP, MeesPierson, ING, CWI.
7 The Risla Language Product characterized by cash flows Object-oriented influences: Product description ~ class Contract ~ object Product provides methods for access, query, registraction Various built-in data types + operations Based on existing Cobol library
8 Example Risla Data Types cash flow: Interval: cf-list: [, … ] rate-interval: int-rate-set: [ri1, …, riN] balance: [, …, ] given int-rate-set, balance, and date convention, compute interest amount cash flow list. Unpleasant to express in Cobol
9 product LOAN declaration contract data PAMOUNT : amount % Principal Amount STARTDATE : date % Starting date MATURDATE : date % Maturity data INTRATE : int-rate % Interest rate RDMLIST := [] : cashflow-list % List of redemptions. information PAF : cashflow-list % Principal Amount Flow IAF : cashflow-list % Interest Amount Flow registration % Register one redemption. RDM(AMOUNT : amount, DATE : date) Risla Loan: Interface
10 local % Final Principal Amount FPA(CHFLLIST : cashflow-list) : amount % Final redemption FRDM : cashflow error checks "Wrong term dates" in case of STARTDATE >= MATURDATE "Negative amount" in case of PAMOUNT < 0.0 implementation local define FPA as IBD(CHFLLIST, -/-PAMOUNT, MATURDATE) define FRDM as Risla Loan: Internals
11 information define PAF as [ ] >> RDMLIST >> [FRDM] define IAF as [ >), INTRATE ), MATURDATE >] registration define RDM as error checks "Date not in interval" in case of (DATUM = MATURDATE) "Negative amount" in case of AMOUNT <= 0.0 "Amount too big" in case of FPA(RDMLIST >> [ ]) > 0.0 RDMLIST := RDMLIST >> [ ] Risla Loan: Semantics
12 Risla’s Generated Cobol Risla Compiler Risla Product Definition Management Info. Routines (Cobol) Registration Methods (Cobol Input Screens (CICS) Legacy Data Structures (VSAM)
13 Modular Risla Different products share larger chunks: Swap consists of two Deposits Various loans share “principal amount construction” Combinations of product (parts) required Modularization constructs Library of “Building Blocks” “Flattener”, mapping mod. Risla to pure Risla.
14 Modular Risla (II) Modularization constructs: Uses “one”, uses “many” export, parameterization, renaming. Example components: Principle amount, duration, interest computations, Flattening: pro: simplicity; con: code size explosion
15 From Risla to Cobol Modular Risla Flat Risla ASF + SDF Flat Risla COBOL C / lex yacc Cobol Library Risla Functions Risla Building Blocks
16 Risla Evaluation Successful adoption Time to market: 3 months -> 3 weeks. 100 building blocks, 50 products Merger survivor thanks to flexibility Problematic Maintenance of Risla tools Flattening code explosion
17 Domain-Specific Languages Benefits Correct level of abstraction. Self documenting Portability Optimizability Testability Risks Cost of DSL design and implementation Education cost Limited availability Finding proper scope Balance between general purpose / domspec Loss of efficiency
18 In Conclusion Risla users satisfied Open issues How to decrease cost of tool development and maintenance How to find suitable domains: domain engineering