Group Influences Pertemuan 09 Matakuliah: J0384 – Perilaku Konsumen Tahun: Ganjil 2007/2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Group Influences Pertemuan 09 Matakuliah: J0384 – Perilaku Konsumen Tahun: Ganjil 2007/2008

Bina Nusantara TERM GROUP: Refers to two or more individuals who share a set of norms, value or beliefs and have sertain imlicitly defined relationship that make their behaviors interdependent

Bina Nusantara TYPES OF GROUP Group vs Reference  Group : was defined earlier  The reference group is a group whose preseumed perspective or values are being used by an individual as the basis of his or her current bahavior

Bina Nusantara GROUPS CLASIFICATION Membership  criterian is dicotomus: a person either is a member of particular group or is not Degree of contact  refers to how much interpersonal contacts the groups members have with each other Attaraction  refers to disaribility that memebrship in a given group has for the individual

Bina Nusantara DEGREE AND TYPE OF REFERENCE GROUP INFLUENCE Informational Normative Identification

Bina Nusantara REFERENCE GROUP The aspirational reference group refers to those others against whom one would like to compare oneself. For example, many firms use athletes as spokespeople, and these represent what many people would ideally like to be Associative reference groups include people who more realistically represent the individuals’ current equals or near-equals—e.g., coworkers, neighbors, or members of churches, clubs, and organizations

Bina Nusantara Dissociative reference group includes people that the individual would not like to be like. For example, the store literally named The Gap came about because many younger people wanted to actively dissociate from parents and other older and "uncool" people REFERENCE GROUP …CONTINUE

Bina Nusantara MARKETING STRATEGIES BASED ON REFERENCE GROUP INFLUENCES Personal sales strategies Advertising strategies

Bina Nusantara ROLES A Role is a precribed pattern of behavior expected of a person in a given situation by virtue of the persons position in that situation Role style  individual variations in the performance of a given role Role parameters  reprsent the range of bahavior acceptable within a given role