Status of the Tracker DB System Tk week april 03 D. Contardo Developments Applications
BigBrowser : - Normal correction of bugs - Introduction of a repair scheme Data Base : - Change from Oracle 8i to Oracle 9 - Introduction of final description of hybrids and modules (still a small correction to be made to the module description but components can be introduced) - Introduction of final description of AOH components and tables - Introduction of full TOB structure ready to be implemented (to be done for TIB and TEC) NEW BB RELEASE NEXT WEEK New Developments
Applications - Sensors : Work on sampling validation scheme in progress Coherence of data still under check - Hybrids : Registration of the components at the factory ready and tested to be moved to the company and included to FHIT test program XML calibration files to be finalized On going discussion on keeping track of APV wafers and including the DCU number in the data WEB interface foreseen, common scheme with sensor and gantry - Gantry : Implementation ready and tested Procedure at gantry defined Specific WEB query interface ready To be discussed the hybrid test data ? - Bonding : Implementation for modules ready Implementation for hybrids in progress (very similar to modules)
Applications - Modules : Final calibration tables implemented XML calibration files insertion tested for ARC read-out Situation for LT to be checked WEB interface foreseen, common scheme with sensor and gantry - Digital Optohybrids : Application ready (powerful scheme to automatically collect the data taken at the production factory) request of a file loading command line - Other Optical devices : Request to implement these components, needs investigation to be compatible with a link type description (connectivity)
Conclusion Central Data Base should be used for modules currently produced (sensors and hybrids are registered in the Prod DB) train in test db with registration, assembly and transfer panels DB tutorial and news at