1 Econ 240A Power 7
2 This Week, So Far §Normal Distribution §Lab Three: Sampling Distributions §Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing
3 Outline §Distribution of the sample variance §The California Budget: Exploratory Data Analysis §Trend Models §Linear Regression Models §Ordinary Least Squares
4 Population Random variable x Distribution f( f ? Sample Sample Statistic: Sample Statistic Pop.
5 The Sample Variance, s 2 Is distributed with n-1 degrees of freedom (text, 12.2 “inference about a population variance) (text, pp , Chi-Squared distribution)
6 Text Chi-Squared Distribution
7 Text Chi-Squared Table 5 Appendix p. B-10
8 Example: Lab Three §50 replications of a sample of size 50 generated by a Uniform random number generator, range zero to one, seed =20. l expected value of the mean: 0.5 l expected value of the variance: 1/12
9 Histogram of 50 Sample Means, Uniform, U(0.5, 1/12) Average of the 50 sample means:
10 Histogram of 50 sample variances, Uniform, U(0.5, ) Average sample variance:
11 Confidence Interval for the first sample variance of §A 95 % confidence interval Where taking the reciprocal reverses the signs of the inequality
13 The UC Budget
14 The UC Budget §The part of the UC Budget funded by the state from the general fund
17 Total General Fund Expenditures Appendix, p.11 Schedule 6
18 UC General Fund Expenditures, Appendix p , General fund actual, $2,901,257, , estimated $2,175,205, , estimated $2,806,267,000
19 UC General Fund Expenditures, Appendix p. 46
29 How to Forecast the UC Budget? §Linear Trendline?
30 Trend Models
33 Slope: increase of $80.5 million per year Governor’s Budget: increase of $110 million, including May revision
34 Linear Regression Trend Models §A good fit over the years of the data sample may not give a good forecast
35 How to Forecast the UC Budget? §Linear trendline? §Exponential trendline ?
37 Trend Models
38 An Application
40 Time Series Trend Analysis §Two Steps l Select a trend model l Fit the trend model Graphically algebraically
41 Trend Models §Linear Trend: y(t) = a + b*t +e(t) l dy(t)/dt = b §Exponential trend: z(t) = exp(c + d*t + u(t)) ln z(t) = c + d*t + u(t) l (1/z)*dz/dt = d
42 Linear Trend Model Fitted to UC Budget EViews: UCBUDB(t) = *t, R 2 = 0.934
44 Time Series Models §Linear l UCBUD(t) = a + b*t + e(t) l where the estimate of a is the intercept: $ Billion in l where the estimate of b is the slope: $ billion/yr l where the estimate of e(t) is the the difference between the UC Budget at time t and the fitted line for that year §Exponential
45 Exponential Trend Model Fitted to UC Budget EViews: lnucbudb(t) = *t, R 2 = Exp(-0.929) = $ Billion, the estimated intercept in
49 Time Series Models §Exponential l UCBUD(t) = UCBUD(68-69)*e b*t e u(t) l UCBUD(t) = UCBUD(68-69)*e b*t + u(t) l where the estimate of UCBUD(68-69) is the estimated budget for l where the estimate of b is the exponential rate of growth
50 Linear Regression Time Series Models §Linear: UCBUD(t) = a + b*t + e(t) §How do we get a linear form for the exponential model?
51 Time Series Models §Linear transformation of the exponential l take natural logarithms of both sides l ln[UCBUD(t)] = ln[UCBUD(68-69)*e b*t + u(t) ] l where the logarithm of a product is the sum of logarithms: l ln[UCBUD(t)] = ln[UCBUD(68-69)]+ln[e b*t + u(t) ] l and the logarithm is the inverse function of the exponential: l ln[UCBUD(t)] = ln[UCBUD(68-69)] + b*t + u(t) l so ln[UCBUD(68-69)] is the intercept “a”
52 Naïve Forecasts §Average §forecast next year to be the same as this year
54 UC Budget Forecasts for * 1.068x$2,806,207,000; exponential trendline forecast ~$4.5 B Actual:$2,806,207,000 in Governor’s Budget Summary for 05-06
57 Time Series Forecasts §The best forecast may not be a regression forecast §Time Series Concept: time series(t) = trend + cycle + seasonal + noise(random or error) §fitting just the trend ignores the cycle §UCBUD(t) = a + b*t + e(t)
58 Application of Bivariate Plot §O-Ring Failure §Plot zeros (no failure) and the ones (failure) versus launch temperature for the 24 launches prior to Challenger
60 Linear Approximation to Backward Sigmoid
61 Ordinary Least Squares
62 Criterion for Fitting a Line §Minimize the sum of the absolute value of the errors? §Minimize the sum of the square of the errors l easier to use §error is the difference between the observed value and the fitted value l example UCBUD(observed) - UCBUD(fitted)
63 §The fitted value: §The fitted value is defined in terms of two parameters, a and b (with hats), that are determined from the data observations, such as to minimize the sum of squared errors
64 Minimize the Sum of Squared Errors
65 How to Find a-hat and b-hat? §Methodology l grid search l differential calculus l likelihood function
66 Grid Search, a-hat=0, b-hat=80
67 Grid Search a-hat b-hat Find the point where the sum of squared errors is minimum
68 Differential Calculus §Take the derivative of the sum of squared errors with respect to a-hat and with respect to b-hat and set to zero. §Divide by -2*n §or
69 Least Squares Fitted Parameters §So, the regression line goes through the sample means. §Take the other derivative: §divide by -2
70 Ordinary Least Squares(OLS) §Two linear equations in two unknowns, solve for b-hat and a-hat.
72 O-Ring Failure Versus launch temperature