Team R3D3 Conceptual Design Review Henk Wolda Kate Kennedy Greg McQuie Nicole Ela Marisa Antuna Devon Campbell Tyler Smith 9/20/2011
Organization Tyler- Team Leader/Integration Building and planning construction Greg- C&DH / Software Data management and programming Marisa- Power Management of budget/process Devon- Structures Design/ structure Nicole- C&DH / Software Programming and software Kate- Science of Propeller Researching and designing propeller Henk- Science of Solar Panels Researching and testing, and installing
Mission Overview Objective - Compare Two methods of power generation -We want to discover which method of power generation is better for a BalloonSat -Solar power is popular on BalloonSats. How does it compare? Why? - To discover which method of power generation is more efficient for a typical BalloonSat flight. We will hopefully come to an answer as to whether wind or solar power is better for a satellite flight. -BalloonSats are quickly growing in popularity in the US. We want to assist future BalloonSat makers by providing more power options.
Design -Three Systems -Propeller -Propeller spins a magnet inside a DC generator -Hooked up to a rechargeable battery to store energy -Voltmeter records power output -Solar Panels -Solar panels take in energy from solar rays -Attached to rechargeable battery -Voltmeter records power output -Camera/HOBO/Altimeter -Camera to take pictures as specified in RFP -HOBO records temperature, humidity -Altimeter to measure descent/ascent rates
Design - External
Functional Block Diagram
Budget Solar Panels - $ ecoDIRECT - Harnesses energy from sun - 3 grams each Propeller - N/A - Project team - Harnesses energy from drop grams* Arduino Board - $ Sparkfun - Central controller - 2 grams AA Batteries - $ Batteries plus - Power storage - 23 grams each Internal heater - N/A - Project team - Maintains heat to above -10º C grams GPS - $ Sparkfun - Measures ascent and descent - 16 grams Voltmeters - $ Texas Instruments - Measures power from solar panels - 1 gram DC Generator - $ eCRATER - Harnesses spinning power of propeller- 30 grams $ = Total Price $91.00 left over for spare parts 440 g = Total Weight 410 g extra to account for variability in design
Schedule - Meetings ever y Monday 4 pm 9/26/11 - Design complete 10/9/11 - Prototyping complete 10/9/11- 10/30/11 - Design testing (Cold, structure, drop, simulation) 10/25/11 - Pre Launch inspection 11/1/11 - LLR Presentations 11/4/11 - Weigh in 11/4/11 - Turn in 11/5/11 - Launch
Concerns -The propeller won't work unless in ideal conditions (ie. falling speed, air density, temperature) -Structure won't allow for optimal airflow -Propeller strength