Team W1 Design Manager: Rebecca Miller 1. Bobby Colyer (W11) 2. Jeffrey Kuo (W12) 3. Myron Kwai (W13) 4. Shirlene Lim (W14) Stage II: 26 th January 2004 ARCHITECTURE PROPOSAL Presentation #2: Rijndael Encryption Overall Project Objective: Implement the new AES Rijndael algorithm on chip Integrated Circuit Design Project
Status Design Proposal Project Chosen - Alternatives Studied and Eliminated Verilog Obtained Architecture Proposal Final Algorithm Description Mapping of algorithm to hardware (block diagram) Behavioral Verilog simulation and test bench To be Done Gate Level Design Schematic Design Floorplan Layout Simulations/Optimizations Everything else… Integrated Circuit Design Project
Design Decisions PREVIOUS PROBLEMS Cut down 128-bit design to 32-bit design Different implementations of Rijndael Too many transistors / design too big Parallel design – more transistors but faster? DECISIONS Decided/changed 128-bit design to 32-bit design 32-bit design but implementing full SBOX Decided to stick with the Rijndael implementation that incorporated a multiplier instead of just XORing the values. Increases complexity of design Too many transistors/design too big – will further optimize design Implementation of ROM instead of SRAM or registers Decided to stick with parallelism Two different blocks Integrated Circuit Design Project
Implementation Revised Integrated Circuit Design Project Previous Implementation Removed last MixColumn Function Replaced with AddRoundKey in accordance to new implementation chosen
Final Algorithm Description Integrated Circuit Design Project KeyAdd ByteSubShiftRowMixColumnKeyAdd ByteSubShiftRowKeyAdd Cipher Key Plain Text Round Key Cipher Text RoundKey FINAL ROUND REPEAT 9 ROUNDS INITIAL ROUND
Mapping Algorithm to Hardware Integrated Circuit Design Project ROM BLOCK New Implementation: 10-stage Pipelined Design Increased throughput Increased speed LOOKS SIMPLE BUT… Timing issues… Proposed 2 S-BOX as part of ROM 10 Blocks with 5 Blocks per S-BOX Each Block accessing S-BOX 4 times, total of 20 per S-BOX per clock
Block Diagrams (cont’d) Integrated Circuit Design Project ROM Control logic Multiplier + ONE “BLOCK” Cipher Key Plain Text RCON
FIPS Test Vectors Integrated Circuit Design Project Using FIPS Test Vectors for Verilog Simulation Verification FIPS – Federal Information Processing Standards
Verilog Test Bench Integrated Circuit Design Project
Verilog Simulation (VSim) Integrated Circuit Design Project
Verification of Output Integrated Circuit Design Project
Previous Transistor Count (Assuming 32-bit Implementation) ~256 Registers~3500 XORs~1200 Inverters/Buffers~500 SBOX Registers~12000 Key Schedule XORs~100 Shifters (Hardcoded – Just routing wires) 0 Muxes~8000 Total:~ Integrated Circuit Design Project
New Transistor Count (Assuming 32-bit Implementation) SBOX – Part of ROM (2)~4000 Control Logic (2)~4000 Multiplier(20)~12000 Adders (10)~2500 RCON – Part of ROM (1)~1000 Buffering/MUXes~2000 XORs~5000 Total:~ Integrated Circuit Design Project
Problems Timing issues Clock skew Pipelined design Each S-BOX being accessed by several different stages Research on clock-tree implementations So we can organize our 10 blocks optimally Transistor sizing Transistor sizing affects efficiency of SBOX access Integrated Circuit Design Project