Working effectively in a team
Objectives of this presentation n Conflict is normal (& good!) just needs to be managed n Identify your conflict handling style n Steps for problem solving approach n Strategies for better communication
Ingredients for a successful team n 1. Clarity in team goals - and a plan n 2. Clearly defined roles and rules n 3. Balanced participation n 4. Awareness of the group process n 5. Conflict management n 6. Clear communication
Goals, Roles and Rules n Has your team defined its goals? n Who is going to do what? How will you find a balance and monitor that? n What are your ground rules?
4-Step Group Formation Model n Forming n Storming n Norming n Performing
Conflict - definition n To come into collision, to be in opposition or at variance; disagree n a controversy, a quarrel, discord of feelings or actions as in a conflict of ideas
Conflict is normal n Some conflict is inevitable - it is normal human behaviour n Conflict can be functional or dysfunctional
n Dysfunctional conflict: –threatens group survival –diverts energy –destroys morale and trust n Functional conflict –improves decision making –stimulates creativity –releases tension –increases energy
n We need to manage conflict, not eliminate it. n What sorts of conflicts can happen when people come together to work as a team?
Low GOALS HighImportance High Importance R E L A T I O N S H I P S
Conflict Handling Styles n Shark-competing n Fox-compromising n Turtle-avoiding n Teddybear-accomodating n Owl-collaborating
CUDSA model n 1. Confront the conflict n 2. Understand the other’s position n 3. Define the problem(s) n 4. Search for and evaluate Alternative solutions n 5. Agree upon, implement and evaluate the Best solution
Some communication strategies n Choose an appropriate time and place n Maintain eye contact n Define the problem using “I” statements n Don’t use labels/insults n Give positive as well as negative feedback n Ask questions to clarify
“I” versus “you”statements n You’ve n You’ve done a terrible job on this n I n I feel worried that this is not up to the required standard and we’re going to get a bad mark
“I” versus “you”statements n You are late to every meeting – its impossible to work with you n “I’m finding it really frustrating when you are late and we have to repeat everything we have already said. Can we talk about this?”
Common IE conflicts! n Late to or missing meetings n Not finishing allocated task or not to expected standard n Aggressive/domineering manner n Uncooperative attitude
IE conflict resolution processes n Try the methods outlined here within group n Talk to supervisor, who can act as facilitator to resolve problem n Notify coordinators, who can attempt conciliation and/or take formal action to resolve problem.