NOAA Climate Program – An Update NOAA Science Advisory Board March 19, 2003 NOAA Science Advisory Board March 19, 2003 Mary M. Glackin NOAA Assistant Administrator Programs, Planning and Integration Mary M. Glackin NOAA Assistant Administrator Programs, Planning and Integration
Recent NOAA Activities 1. NOAA Program Review - Matrix-Managed Programs - Observation Architecture 2. Strategic Planning Activities 3. DOC Lead for Climate Change Science Program and Workshop 1. NOAA Program Review - Matrix-Managed Programs - Observation Architecture 2. Strategic Planning Activities 3. DOC Lead for Climate Change Science Program and Workshop
NOAA Organizational Structure Decision, Coordination Office DAS Oceans & Atmosphere Assistant Secretary Deputy Under Secretary NOAA Marine and Aviation Operations (NMAO) Legislative Affairs General Counsel DAS Int’l Affairs NOAA Public & Constituent Affairs Education & Sustainable Development Military Deputies CIO OFCM Under Secretary/ Administrator Chief of Staff Policy CFO/CAO Program, Analysis & Evaluation AA Program Managers OAR AA Program Managers NESDIS AA Program Managers NOS AA Program Managers NMFS AA Program Managers NWS AA Strategic Planning Program, Planning & Integration Program Managers
AA Program Managers OAR AA Program Managers NESDIS AA Program Managers NOS AA Program Managers NMFS AA Program Managers NWS AA Strategic Planning Program, Planning & Integration Program Managers NOAA Organizational Structure NOAA Headquarters
NOAA Climate Program Management NOAA Climate Program Office Climate and Global Change Working Group Climate Program Board NOAA Research Program Manager Chairs Board All NOAA LO’s Represented Provides Oversight to Program Activities Program Manager Chairs Board All NOAA LO’s Represented Provides Oversight to Program Activities SAB Overall Program Management Integration of Climate Activities Across LO’s Interface with CCSP Overall Program Management Integration of Climate Activities Across LO’s Interface with CCSP Scientific Advice on Climate Program NOAA Management PPI Council on Long-Term Climate Monitoring
NOAA Strategic Plan Climate is one of four major goals: Understand Climate Variability and Change to Enhance Society’s Ability to Plan and Respond Achieved by: Investing in needed climate quality observations and encouraging other national and international investments. Working with national and international partners to increase understanding of the dynamics and impacts of coupled atmosphere/ocean/land systems. Improving its intraseasonal to interannual climate forecasts to enable regional and national managers to plan better for the impacts of climate variability. Providing improved regional, national, and international assessments and projections of climate change to support policy decisions with objective information. Working with users of climate information to enable and increase the application of climate information. Climate is one of four major goals: Understand Climate Variability and Change to Enhance Society’s Ability to Plan and Respond Achieved by: Investing in needed climate quality observations and encouraging other national and international investments. Working with national and international partners to increase understanding of the dynamics and impacts of coupled atmosphere/ocean/land systems. Improving its intraseasonal to interannual climate forecasts to enable regional and national managers to plan better for the impacts of climate variability. Providing improved regional, national, and international assessments and projections of climate change to support policy decisions with objective information. Working with users of climate information to enable and increase the application of climate information.
Base Program Summary Monitor and Observe Strategy - $202.6M Collection, archival, quality control, and dissemination of most of the Nation’s climate observations In Situ Atmospheric Observation Satellite Programs Data Management Stewardship National and International leadership in the development of a global ocean climate observing system In Situ Ocean Observation Collection, archival, quality control, and dissemination of most of the Nation’s climate observations In Situ Atmospheric Observation Satellite Programs Data Management Stewardship National and International leadership in the development of a global ocean climate observing system In Situ Ocean Observation
Base Program Summary Understand and Describe Strategy- $108.3M Research based on observations, laboratory and field studies, and modeling for: Understanding the processes that influence climate variability Characterizing the composition of the atmosphere, as it relates to radiative forcing of the climate system and the ozone layer Characterizing the carbon cycle processes that determine the fate of carbon emissions Research based on observations, laboratory and field studies, and modeling for: Understanding the processes that influence climate variability Characterizing the composition of the atmosphere, as it relates to radiative forcing of the climate system and the ozone layer Characterizing the carbon cycle processes that determine the fate of carbon emissions
An incipient capability for routine seasonal climate forecasts out to a year in advance. Routine predictions for the U.S. for 6-10 days, 8-14 days, and monthly. Seasonal hurricane forecasts. Leadership in a program of climate assessments on national and global scales with participation in: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessments; U.S. National Assessment; U.N. Montreal Protocol Ozone Assessments. Planned ecosystem assessment and forecasting An incipient capability for routine seasonal climate forecasts out to a year in advance. Routine predictions for the U.S. for 6-10 days, 8-14 days, and monthly. Seasonal hurricane forecasts. Leadership in a program of climate assessments on national and global scales with participation in: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessments; U.S. National Assessment; U.N. Montreal Protocol Ozone Assessments. Planned ecosystem assessment and forecasting Base Program Summary Assess and Predict Strategy - $36.7M
Development of model-based products for climate change policy applications; enhancement of computational capability Climate Change Modeling/Scenario Development A framework to deliver regional climate services consisting of: Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessment (RISA) Centers; Regional Climate Centers; NOS Coastal Services Center; NCDC; NWS regional and local offices Development of model-based products for climate change policy applications; enhancement of computational capability Climate Change Modeling/Scenario Development A framework to deliver regional climate services consisting of: Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessment (RISA) Centers; Regional Climate Centers; NOS Coastal Services Center; NCDC; NWS regional and local offices Base Program Summary Engage, Advise, and Inform Strategy - $19.0M
FY 2004 Base Funding NOAA Climate Program OAR by NOAA Line Office… by NOAA Strategic Categories…
Short Term Management Goals 1.Develop Climate Services Program Management Plan –Define roles and responsibilities –Document decision mechanisms, program evaluation plans, etc. 2.Develop NOAA Climate Services Program Plan to complement NOAA Strategic Plan and CCSP –Define multi-year program plans –Implement recommendation for 50% of new research funds to extramural community 3.Conduct NOAA Climate Review April 1-3 –Climate and Global Change WG with Council on Long- Term Climate Monitoring representation 1.Develop Climate Services Program Management Plan –Define roles and responsibilities –Document decision mechanisms, program evaluation plans, etc. 2.Develop NOAA Climate Services Program Plan to complement NOAA Strategic Plan and CCSP –Define multi-year program plans –Implement recommendation for 50% of new research funds to extramural community 3.Conduct NOAA Climate Review April 1-3 –Climate and Global Change WG with Council on Long- Term Climate Monitoring representation
Responding to CCSP and the Workshop Climate Change Science Workshop Dec. 3-5 NRC Review, ~900 Pages of comments Some NRC recommendations of interest to NOAA - Develop closer ties with Climate Change Technology Initiative - Develop integrated“climate quality” observing system - Strengthen decision support capability - Combine global-scale research with local information to produce regional products Climate Change Science Workshop Dec. 3-5 NRC Review, ~900 Pages of comments Some NRC recommendations of interest to NOAA - Develop closer ties with Climate Change Technology Initiative - Develop integrated“climate quality” observing system - Strengthen decision support capability - Combine global-scale research with local information to produce regional products
Some NOAA Matrix Management Activities 1.Habitat 2.Corals 3.Climate 4.Ocean Exploration 5.Homeland Security 1.Habitat 2.Corals 3.Climate 4.Ocean Exploration 5.Homeland Security