IAU Symp 34 IAU Symposium 34: Planetary Nebulae Tatranska Lomnica, Czechoslovakia August 1967 C.R. O’Dell High Resolution, High S/N Spectroscopy of PNe Robert Williams Space Telescope Science Institute Collaborators: J. Baldwin (Mich. St.) E. Jenkins (Princeton) B. Sharpee (Stanford RI) Y. Zhang (Hong Kong U.)
PN: IC 2501 LCO Magellan 6.5m ‘MIKE’ Echelle Resolution: 12 km/s IC D Image
IC2501Spectrum Tc 1 (Blue)
Histrogram of Line No.
PNe s-process abunds Sr Ba Zr Y Kr Xe Br Ar H+He Continuum ~ forbidden lines Solar Abundances ( Relative Line Strengths)
Kr Montage
Xe Montage
S/N=25 Ba II Montage
PNe s-process abunds Sr Ba Zr Y Kr Xe Br [Kr/Ar] ~ [Br/Ar] ~ 0.7: [Xe/Ar] ~ [Ba/Ar] ~ For PNe: Ar Solar Abundances
Grotrian Diagram Excitation of Recombination & Forbidden Lines In PNe & H II regions, for same ions: Recombination line abundance Forbidden line abundance = 1.1 50
Emiss & Abs Diagram Stellar Absorption Spectrum Nebular Emission Spectrum τ i = ∫ n i dl F i = ∫ n e n i dl O+O+ O +2 (Ground-based/Optical) (HST/UV) O+O+ Abundances from Emission & Absorption Lines OoOo O cm cm
Ions with UV Resonance & Optical Forbidden Lines IonStellar UV Resonance Absorption Neb. Optical Emission C I1277.5*, *, *, *[9850], [8728], [4622] P II1152.8, *, , *, *,[7876], [4669] S I1270.8, , , , , *,[7725], [4589] , *, , * Fe II1260.5, , *[8617], [4244], [5159], [4359] Ni II1317.2, , , , [7378], [6667] N I1199.5, , [5198], [10400], [3467] O I1302.2, *, **[6300], [5577] S II1250.6, , [6717], [10320], [4069] S III1190.2, *, *, *[9531], [6312], [3722] UV Abs & Opt Emiss.
Tc 1 Abs Spectrum O I (ISM) P II ( ISM ) O I (neb) P II (neb)
Tc1 AlII&SiII Abs Planetary Nebula Tc 1 Al II Si II ISM Tc 1 HST/STIS ISM Tc 1 HST/STIS
Ed Analysis
He2-138 EWs & ColDens
NGC 6543 Harrington & Borkowski/HST [O III] 5007 Å [O I] 6300 Å [O II] 3727 Å NGC 6543 Image
Temperature & Density Diagnostics Line Ratio Tc 1 He2-138 NGC 6543 T e ( o K) [O I]14,000 9, [S II] 9,000 6,000 9,000 [O II]10,500 7,000 12,000 [N II] 8,500 6,500 10,300 [S III] 9,500 6,000 8,500 [Ar III] 9, ,000 [O III] 9, ,200 n e (cm -3 ) [N I] 400: 7, : [S II] 3,000 15,000 5,000 [O II] 2,000 7,500 6,000 [Cl III] 3,000 7,500 5,000 [Ar IV] ,500 Compare Emiss Abunds
Emission Line Abundances (log H + =12) Ion λ EM i log A i T e n e Tc 1 [O I] [S II] [S III] He2-138 [C I] [P II] [Fe II] [Ni II] [O I] [S II] [S III] NGC 6543 [N I] [O I] [S II] [S III] Emiss Rel Abunds
COMPARATIVE ION ABUNDANCES (log H + =12) (Absorption column densities have been scaled to the S + emission abundance) Tc 1 He NGC 6543 Em Abs Em Abs Em Abs C o N o O o P S S Fe Ni Compare Emiss Abunds
EmissionDensities-Diag = density required to produce observed emission intensity given the column density of that ion (Higher em stronger emission rel to abs) ‘Emission Density’ : Emiss Meas Col Density ∫ n e n i dl em ≡ = ∫ n i dl Conclusions: 1) Approx. agreement of em and n e for most ions. But, in 2 of 3 PNe em for neutrals is much greater than gas density. Interpretation: Dense clumps exist with small covering factor. Sometimes the narrow absorption line of sight intersects a clump (He2-138) ; other times not ( Tc 1 & NGC 6543). 2) Excellent agreement of S +2 em and n e in all 3 PNe: [S III] emission & absorption yield same abundance
Summary s-process lines are detected in PNe and H II regions – For PNe: Kr & Xe, from the ‘light’ & ‘heavy’ peaks, are enhanced by comparable amounts, indicating substantial neutron exposure in the progenitor AGB stars. – For H II regions: no evidence for s-process enhancements. PNe abundances derived independently from UV absorption lines and optical forbidden lines show some differences for neutral and singly ionized species, but very good agreement for S +2. – The agreement for S +2 is validation that [S III] lines---and therefore presumably other FL’s---yield correct abundances along these lines of sight. Novae spectra show distinct features that may be explained by the Quadratic Zeeman Effect – Large magnetic fields are required (B ~ 10 6 gauss)