OBJECTIVES Present data in a useful way that will inform instruction in a targeted way to boost achievement across the content areas. To provide a guided approach to instruction based on past assessments.
Collection of Data Data taken from district benchmarks Historic MCAS trends Spring of ‘06 individual student data Datawise collection process
Year-long Data Wise Process First Staff Data Presentation Data Analysis –Follow-up questions: What’s Next –Math and ELA Departments will get data that has been collected and graphed for individual strands on the MCAS, End of Year Assessments and the SRI (ELA). –Science and Social Studies will get break downs of End of Year and MCAS assessments to determine strengths and weaknesses in all areas. Follow-up work at department meetings
Year-long Data Wise Process Action Plan for Problem Solving Strategies – Faculty broke into department clusters. –What will we see in classrooms? Teachers modeling problem solving strategies Problem solving checklist in each classroom Student work displayed around classroom –How will we confirm changes are occurring Student exemplars posted in classrooms, hallways, notebooks, etc Student performance on a variety of assessments –What support will we need? Staff Support – implementation Professional Development -- activities Common Planning Time – time to develop and implement strategies
Taking the data from a conceptual idea to create our whole school action plan…
Action Plan By examining the data we created three intensive action plans: –Formulate a new method of tackling open response questions across the content areas.
Open Response Each department met and agreed upon an Open Response (OR) strategy that targeted the OR question. Result: –R.I.P.S.E. – Math and Science –R.I.P.W.E. – ELA and Social Studies
Problem-Solving Strategy
Year-long Data Wise Process Mid Year Data – Analyze mid-year data and begin to assess student work. -- Decide on next instructional steps based on mid-year data -- Work completed in department meetings - Continuously discussed how our action plan was relevant to current data
Department Meetings Subject Area Example…. –Social Studies Goals – Looking at Student Data –A. What are the trends in your student’s performance data »Larger trends noticed in the data »What were the trends in incorrect answers – were students choosing distracters over the correct answer –B. Geography »What are the big ideas of the next three units – objectives we want students to master »When will OR be practiced »Areas to review (based on information from the mid-year)
Challenges Teacher involvement in the beginning stages Understanding the relevance or need for a deep look at our data Implementing changes Having the teachers buy into the process of our action plan
Continuing the Practice The Rogers staff is excited and motivated by the progress we have made and where we are going. Obtaining more formative assessment data. Addressing the need for a strong vocabulary program. Plans are in place to continue the work from this year and expand next school year. End of year teacher reflection survey
Formative Assessments Fast- R Teacher generated Open Response questions Increased number of formative assessments across the content areas Looking at student work very closely in department meetings