Dr. Cagle Kenny Amendola
The Buyer’s Guide How to Buy your next Computer…
Your computer is an important investment in your life that’s costing you thousands of dollars. Know what your buying and what its capabilities are. A computer is just as important as buying a house, car, college etc.
Ask yourself these questions? What do I need a Computer for? What do I need a Computer for? How long will I need it for? How long will I need it for? Can I use a computer at school or borrow a friends? Can I use a computer at school or borrow a friends? Do I prefer Windows or Macintosh? Do I prefer Windows or Macintosh?
What will I use my Computer for? This is important so you know how much you will spend. This is important so you know how much you will spend. New or Used? New or Used? $300 $300 $1,000 $1,000 $2,000 $2,000 $3,000+ $3,000+
If you want upgrades I recommend going with a popular name brand for a good price. Name brands include Dell, Apple, Compaq, Ibm, etc. Cd burner Cd burner Floppy drive Floppy drive Dvd player Dvd player
Make sure to purchase a computer with hardware that will run your software. Not all software can run with a normal Pc.
Nobody likes thorwing away money Not all of the most expensive computers are the best Not all of the most expensive computers are the best Computers tend to become outdated after a few years of use Computers tend to become outdated after a few years of use
The best computer on the market might not be the best in a couple weeks time
Web Sites to buy Computers and Software