30-Jun-15 Blackboard
Web sites All substantive information about this course is on the course website, /index.html Blackboard is at We use Blackboard for: Turning in assignments Showing you your grade on assignments Information about how the grading was done The “announcements” page, which will tell what points were taken off for what things, is not specific to you With this large a class, we are trying to develop software that will help give you better feedback
Turning in assignments If you have already turned in the first assignment, you don’t have to change it this way and turn it in again Otherwise, Put all your files in a directory named LastName _ FirstInitial _ ProjectName Example: Smith_J_Portrait Use Portrait as the name of the first assignment Zip up the directory Submit via Blackboard I will give you the ProjectName to use for each assignment If your first name is hyphenated, e.g. Jean-Luc Picard, use the form Picard_JL_Portrait Only Blackboard submissions will be graded
Using Blackboard You can only turn in one file at a time, so in general we want your zipped directory In Blackboard, Click on Tools Digital Drop Box Send File Use the Browse... button or the drop down menu to select your zip file Click Submit Click Send File Fill in the title field with the assignment number and name, e.g. 1-Self Portrait For pair programming, put your partner’s name (and anything else you wish to say) in the comments field One thing you might want to say is NEW VERSION We will grade only the latest version available Click Submit Click OK a few more times, and you should get the message: Title has been sent to the instructor(s) These instructions (in more detail) are at zip.html
The End