National Pension 田鵑華 陳芷羚 蕭伊伶 劉佩琪 陳善平 蔡曜蓮 林昕儀 黃詩芸 吳亭穎
National Pension 1.Introduction 2.Comparison –Japan –German –Sweden 3.The Problems and Solutions of Taiwan’s Pension System
Introduction to National Pension 1.Purpose 2.Extra Effects 3.Reasons 4.The Insured 5.Insurance Premium –Calculation Method A –Calculation Method B 6.Risks
The Purpose of National Pension 1.To implement the national insurance system 2.For our aging society
Extra Effects of National Pension 1.To stop candidates from making empty promises of more allowances 2.To integrate Old-Age Citizens' Welfare Allowance, Old-Age Indigenes' Welfare Allowance, Old-Age Farmers' Welfare Allowance, etc
Reasons to Enforce Pension System 1.To avoid the problems caused by paying all premium at a time, which may make money used inappropriately 2.The amount of premium can be adjusted with inflation rate and earned-income rate, which can avoid it being affected by inflation
The Insured 1.Age :25~65 2.Residency : over 25 years with their household registered in R.O.C., 3. Without other pension systems (labor insurance, farmer's health insurance, government employee's insurance…) Main target : students, housewives, the unemployed, the self-employed, etc
Insurance Premium 1.Monthly insured amount 2.6.5% of minimum wage ($17,280) for the first and the second year (the government afford 40%, and the insured afford 60%) $17,280*6.5%*60%=$674(per month) 3.After that, the rate will be adjusted according to the result of calculating carefully. The limit of it is 12%.
Identities of the Insured The ratio of the amount paid by the insured themselves The ratio of the amount paid by the government General people60% ($674)40% ($449) Low-income family0100% ($1,123) whose incomes do not reach the standard 1.5 times less than the living expenses in that year 30% ($337)70% ($786) 1.5 times more but 2 times less than the living expenses in that year 45% ($505)55% ($618) The disabled serious$0100% ($1,123) between serious and slight 30% ($337)70% ($786) slight45% ($505)55% ($618)
Payment of Old-age Pension Benefit 1.Method A =( Monthly Insured Amount × Insurance coverage year ×0.65% ) +3,000 (suitable for those who are between 24 and 64 years old, unable to pay the premium for 40years) 2.Example: a 40-year-old man has to pay the premium for 25 years so that he totally afford more than $290,000; however, after 65 years old, he can get $5,808 per month. $17,280*0.0065*25+$3,000 = 5,808
Payment of Old-age Pension Benefit 1.Method B = (Monthly Insured Amount × Insurance coverage year × 1.3%) (suitable for those who are under 24 years old, able to pay the premium over 40years) 2.Example: a 25-year-old man has to pay $515,082 within 40 years, and after 65 years old, he can get $8,986 per month. If he can live to 82 years old (Taiwanese life expectancy), he can get $1,833,062 totally. 17,280*0.013*40 = $8,986
Risks to the Insured of National Pension 1.The uncertainties --- the insured are not sure how much they can totally get in the end 2.Example: –Lee had paid the premium $515,082 in total for 40 years, but he died after having his national pension $8,986 for the first month. –His family got funeral benefit $86,400 and had survivor’s pension payment $4,493 for a month only because of losing the qualification (his spouse married another man). –Therefore, he and his family totally got $86,400 + $8,986 + $4,493 = $99,879 –He paid $515,040 but only got 99,879 back. –To sum up, he lost $400,000, and that was about 80% of the amount he paid.
1.Introduction of Pension System 2.Benefit 3.Problem 4.Reform
Pension System
Benefits 1.Old-age Basic Pension 2.Disability Basic Pension 3.Survivors’ Basic Pension 4.Widow’s Pension 5.Lump-sum Death Benefit
Problem 1.Silver century (low birth rates & aging population) 2.Foreigners benefit
Reform 1.Increase tax rate 2.Change the benefit formula
The German Pension System
German Introduction Feature Problems Today Action Taken
Introduction 1.The first formal pension system in Retirement insurance 3.Pay-as-you-go system
Feature 1.Most generous system → High replacement rate: 70% (U.S: 53%) 2.Largest item in the social budget 21% of public spending 11.8% of GDP
Problems Today 1.Low birth rate: 1.4 births per woman 2.Aging population (2050: worker: pensioner ratio = 2:1, today 5:4) 3.Early commence of retirement 4.Increasing of unemployment
Action taken 1.Age of retirement: 67 2.Increase contribution 3.Decrease the replacement rate 4.Private pension
The Swedish Old-Age Pension System
Sweden 1.The Pension System Comprises of three Parts 2.Two Necessary Conditions 3.Current Challenges
1.Guarantee pension -For those who have a low or no income. 2.Income pension -16 % of the pensionable income 3.Premium pension -2.5 % of the pensionable income The Pension System Comprises of Three Parts
Two Necessary Conditions 1.Stable economic growth rate -3% at least 2.High tax rate
Erik Norrman - School of Economics and Management
Social security Indirect taxes Direct taxes Taxes in percent of GDP
Current Challenges 1.Discourage work incentives 2.The impact of aging population 3.The financial stability
Lurking Problems and Countermeasure
1.Aging Society –Data –Difficulties –Solutions 2.Foreigners Benefit 3.Financial source 4.Payment System 5.Declining Labor Force Participation Lurking Problems and C ountermeasure
Aging Society-Data Country Over the age 65 arrived at the ratio of the population The required number of years 7%10%14%20%30%7%-14%10%-20%20%-30% USA - 7362 - Germany UK - 4680 - France - - Italy - Japan Taiwan Korea Singapore
Aging Society-Difficulties 1.Rapid increase in pension payments 2.Aging population and poor adjust mechanism 3.Reducing pension payments due to the crisis of pension hollowing out
Aging Society-Solutions 1.Promoting the employment of the aged and enhancing labor force participation rate of middle-aged 2.Rate adjustment mechanism to institutionalize 3.To strengthen the wishes of the people to pay (to join) of an annuity 4.Early planning of the government's financial source of funds
Foreigners Benefit 1.Difficulties 2.Solutions : National Insurance Number
Financial Problems 1.High pension payment 2.Increase in non-wage labor costs
Countermeasure 1.Reduce subsidies paid by government 2.Increase individuals’ payment 3.Encourage individual’ savings 4.Cooperate with private pension system 5.To extend the retirement age
Payment System Problem: use nominal wages Solution: adjust to real wages
Declining Labor Force Participation Labor Force Participation of Taiwan (%) 計
The End
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