Entropy Physics 313 Professor Lee Carkner Lecture 17
Exercise #16 Entropy Total entropy change is sum of each kg of water: S = mc ln (T f /T i ) + mc ln (T f /T i ) Final temperature of water = 50 C = 323 K S = (4186) ln (323/273) ln (323/373) = 704 – 602 = Entropy increases, 2nd law OK Entropy of air compression S = nc ln (T f /T i ) + nR ln (P f /P i ) S = (34.5)(29.2) ln (330/290) – (34.5)(8.31) ln (600000/100000) = – 514 =
Enthalpy Enthalpy (H) is defined as: What is enthalpy? u is the internal energy Used in power generation, refrigerators, steam systems
Specific Enthalpy Enthalpy per unit mass is the specific enthalpy If we define a flow rate m (kg/s), the total power is: P = m h Both h and s are tabulated and can often be looked up
Turbines and Compressors Turbine Blades turn which turns shaft Compressor Blades compress a fluid The PE and KE of the fluid are generally low, so the energy is dominated by enthalpy
Isentropic Processes This means that s i = s f May have to extrapolate
Isentropic Efficiency How close to maximum efficiency is a process? Called the isentropic efficiency Similar to comparing a engine to a Carnot cycle
Isentropic Efficiency Example Turbine: A turbines work depends on the enthalpy so: where h 2 is the actual and isentropic final state of the system
Cosmic Entropy The second law holds for the entire universe But, even when things get hotter, What about black holes? Where will it all end?
Cygnus X-1
Black Holes How does entropy apply to a black hole? Energy equals mass (general relativity) If a box of gas is thrown in a black hole, the entropy of the universe decreases Violates second law!
Black Holes and Entropy Entropy is related to the size of the event horizon Hot bodies emit radiation Black holes ain’t so black!
Hawking Radiation How can a black hole emit radiation? You can create something out of nothing if you do it so fast the universe does not notice (uncertainty principle) Black holes lose mass
Black Hole Temperature Since a black hole has entropy, it must have a temperature Low mass black holes are hotter than high mass ones For a black hole formed in a supernova the minimum mass is about 3 solar masses Washed out by ~3 K cosmic microwave background
Arrows of Time Three arrows of time: Thermodynamic Psychological Cosmological
Entropy and Memory Memory requires energy dissipation as heat Your head or a hard drive has to “get hot”
Synchronized Arrows Why do all the arrows go in the same direction? Can life exist with a backwards arrow of time? Does life only exist with a forwards arrow of time? (anthropic principle)
Fate of the Universe If the universe has enough mass, its expansion will reverse Cosmological arrow will go backwards Universe seems to be open Universe will probably expand forever
Heat Death Entropy keeps increasing Stars burn out Can live off of compact objects, but eventually will convert them all to heat Universe becomes completely random radiation field