E conomy of Spain Features Some basic informations Estimation Overview about Barcelona by Viktor Baráth
Features of Spain Location Constitutional government Area Capital town
Weather and Climate Mediterranean – Hot and warm summer – Spain attracts the most tourists. Oceanic – Southern and Northern part : Season is moderated. Development Industry :the second biggest 5% of GDP Spain : one of the most popular countries
Some curiosity about the estimation Salary form: euro Income from Export-Economy 248bd euro Partners: France, Germany, Portugal and Italy Goods: machinery motor – vehicles ship-building
Transport Mainly centralized 3 main highways : Madrid – Catalonia – Valencia Main plan : Put 1 million electric cars on the road by 2014 to save the planet Airports: Madrid : (Bajaras) » 50,8m passengers measured in 2008 » being the world's 11th busiest airport Barcelona : (El Prat) » 30m passengers measured in 2008 The Minister of Industry Miguel Sebastian said that "the electric vehicle is the future and the engine of an industrial revolution."
Overview about Barcelona Hot summer Seashore Illuminated city at night Great sightseeings BARCELONA
Barcelona The second biggest city Attracts more tourists than other cities Provides the most beautiful and demanding hotels and apartments Recognised as a GlobalCity due to its importance in : Finance Entertainment Arts Education Tourism
Barcelona 76% of the population is religeous Most of them Catholic from the conformation of country Palaces, Churches, Cathedrals, Shipyards, Museums: National Museum of Catalonia Picasso Museum Archeology Museum of Catalonia There are such a popular establishments wherefore Spain got the European Museum of the Year Award in 2006
Sport The other most important source of tourism : Each football match means | people at the same time | Hotels become filled with guests It is auspicious for contractors and hotel directors Barcelona Football Club
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