1 NewU Incorporated Team Members: Bumsoo Kim Daniella Bacskay Yahya Khattab May 1 st, 2003
2 Purpose n The company seeks to expand fields of science n Open up fields that mechatronics can exploit n People with disabilities are neglected n Increase funding for diverse causes
3 Newest Invention n Smart Cane 2003 –(SC03) Brush motor Infrared sensor Transmitter & receiver SC03 Ultrasonic sensor
4 Functionality n Detect objects in path with 3 different levels (sonar) n Detect stairs (preventing falls) n Convenient activation and termination of device n Measures in place to prevent loss of device
5 Main Hardware Component n Range (3cm to 3m) n Frequency 40KHz n 90 degree search width
6 Circuit Schematic
7 Code - Sonar
8 Code - motor (sample)
9 Concerns about Design n Sonar device may elicit unwanted responses from animals
10 Concerns about Design (cont.) n Ultrasonic Dog Chaser produces a discomforting, but not harmful, high frequency sound, audible to dogs but not to humans n Frequency Range: 20,000 Hz - 25,000 Hz Sound Pressure: 135 dB Effective Range: Within 20 feet
11 Cost Estimate Mass production costs estimate: $50.00 ~ $70.00
12 Future Improvements n Cane will detect traffic lights and pedestrian signals n Compass will guide the user more accurately n Cane will be adjustable to different height
13 Thank you All! Questions & Suggestions