POLITICAL HAY Consumers here’s some news for you We don’t like chemical residue Forget those things the experts say There’s poisons in your five-a-day
Political Hay We need not focus on the facts It’s justified ‘cause EPA’s too lax We’ll invent ourselves a “scare-of-the-day” As we plant some seeds of political hay
Political Hay We’ve got a bumper crop of political hay We don’t let science get in our way We need no journals to share our views As long as we get on Headline News
Political Hay We’ve got a bumper crop of politcal hay Our real target is the EPA Consumer fears, we’ll raise a few And we don’t give a hoot about peer review
Political Hay We’ll say your kids are like Snow White They might get sick from just one bite We’ll say we’re helping Mom and Dad And if their kids don’t eat, that’s just too bad
Political Hay We’ll harvest up some scary fears That tug on hearts and lead to tears And with those tears we’ll find a way To irrigate our crop of hay
Political Hay We’ve got a bumper crop of political hay We don’t let science get in our way We need no journals to share our views As long as we get on headline News
Political Hay We’ve got a bumper crop of political hay Our real target is the EPA Consumer fears, we’ll raise a few And we don’t give a hoot about peer review