Real-Time Object Tracking System Adam Rossi Meaghan Zorij
Project Objectives Identify a user selected object of specific size, shape, and color in the detectable region. Once the object is found, it will be tracked in real- time. Desired object color is selectable by the user Tracking can be started / stopped at anytime by user Laser directed at target object when tracking Real-time video stream displayed with target object identified Coordinates of locked-on object from platform displayed
Specifications Calibration must be completed prior to starting tracking ( first time only ) Detectable range is 150° from 1 foot from base platform, up to 10 feet Maximum of 3 objects of different color within the detectable region – Each object must square and either red, green, or blue – Objects can vary in size from 1-2 foot square – Each object must be separated by at least 1 foot
Specifications (cont’d)
Objects must remain stationary until it has been located (as indicated when the laser turns on) Once object is located, the object can be moved in the horizontal direction at a maximum speed of one foot per second
Operational Overview Steps of operation Calibrate system Select target object’s color Start tracking Locate object Track in real-time Stop tracking
Analytical Components 5 Main Components – Graphical User Interface: user interface, also includes calibration, configuration, and diagnostic interfaces – Controller: “smarts” of the system, performs calculations of object location based on information from the camera and ultrasonic sensor – CCD Camera: locates target object candidates – Ultrasonic Linear Position Sensor: determines distances of objects – Laser: indicates tracking of object
Analytical Components (cont’d)
Graphical User Interface Live video stream with target object indicated User selectable object Coordinates of object Diagnostics Calibration
Main GUI
Diagnostics GUI
Controller Interfaces ultrasonic sensor / laser system and CCD camera system Determines target object from GUI setting Provides information related to target object for GUI while tracking Calculates coordinates of the object using information from the ultrasonic sensor and CCD camera system Directs laser position based upon analysis of data from camera and sensor
CCD Camera Creative Labs Webcam Pro (OV511+ chipset) – x480 (native) Interface camera using “Video For Linux” API Object detection algorithm – Color segmentation – Template matching / edge detection Provides information to controller on the detected object(s) coordinates, size, and color
Ultrasonic Linear Position Sensor Polaroid Instrumentation Package (from Acroname) – Polaroid 6500 Series Sonar Ranging Module (eases interface to transducer) – Polaroid Electrostatic Transducer Specifications – Distance measurements from 6 inches to 35 feet – Accuracy of +/- 1% over range of operation – Multiple object detection when objects separated by at least 3 inches
Ultrasonic Linear Position Sensor (cont’d) Provides distance calculations to controller – maximum of three measurements per position Interfaces to HC12 with little additional circuitry – Only need a pull-up resistor on ECHO input into HC12 (recommended value is 4.7 kΏ)
Laser Receives target object position from controller Turned on when aligned with target object
Test Strategies Unit tests of each subsystem Diagnostics – controller tests each subsystem Demonstrate real-time tracking capability – One object – Multiple objects Demonstrate tracking of object speeds up to 1 foot/sec
Difficulties Ultrasonic sensor difficulties – Specifications provided by manufacturer may not be accurate – Timing of microprocessor precise enough to accurately measure distance Camera difficulties – Achieving real-time video processing – Locating the target object accurately Accuracy of positioning the laser to track the object
Division of Work Adam Camera subsystem Controller GUI Meaghan Sensor subsystem Laser subsystem Servo operation
Work Schedule