Chris Barnes, Imperial CollegeWIN 2005 B mixing at DØ B mixing at DØ WIN 2005 Delphi, Greece Chris Barnes, Imperial College.


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Presentation transcript:

Chris Barnes, Imperial CollegeWIN 2005 B mixing at DØ B mixing at DØ WIN 2005 Delphi, Greece Chris Barnes, Imperial College

WIN 2005 B mixing at DØ Outline Mixing phenomenology Tevatron DØ detector Flavour tagging B d cross-checks B s mixing and limit Prospects Summary

Chris Barnes, Imperial CollegeWIN 2005 B mixing at DØ Mixing Transition of neutral mesons between particle and antiparticles Mass eigenstates superpostion of flavour eigenstates An initial B 0 will oscillate in time between B 0 and B 0 _

Chris Barnes, Imperial CollegeWIN 2005 B mixing at DØ Motivation Why study mixing? In standard parameterisation unitarity approximated by Mixing constrains least known side of unitarity triangle Experimental limit SM predicts (incl exp) Some theoretical uncertainties cancel

Chris Barnes, Imperial CollegeWIN 2005 B mixing at DØ Experimental issues Need to tag initial flavour of B Tagging power εD 2 with efficiency ε and dilution Need excellent propertime resolution σ t – decay length and p resolution The average significance of a measurement is given by Experimentally useful to define asymmetry D = 2*purity – 1

Chris Barnes, Imperial CollegeWIN 2005 B mixing at DØ Setting limits Amplitude method Fit to data - free parameter Obtain as a function of Measurement of gives and otherwise At 95% CL sensitivity excluded Combine measurements from experiments

Chris Barnes, Imperial CollegeWIN 2005 B mixing at DØ 460pb pb -1 Tevatron Only place in world to study B s mesons Tevatron performing well –Inst L reached ~1.2×10 32 cm/s 2 (1.5 – 3 ×10 32 cm/s 2 design) Total integrated L = 4-8 fb -1 in Tevatron Run II programme

Chris Barnes, Imperial CollegeWIN 2005 B mixing at DØ DØ Detector Excellent coverage –Muon |η| < 2 –Tracking |η| < 3 Robust muon triggers All B physics events require muons Muon System Tracking System

Chris Barnes, Imperial CollegeWIN 2005 B mixing at DØ Samples 200 pb -1 20K D * + μ 92K D 0 + μ 85% B d, 15% B + 85% B +, 15% B d

Chris Barnes, Imperial CollegeWIN 2005 B mixing at DØ Samples 460 pb -1

Chris Barnes, Imperial CollegeWIN 2005 B mixing at DØ B reconstruction - Hadronic environment – large backgrounds

Chris Barnes, Imperial CollegeWIN 2005 B mixing at DØ Flavour Tagging Need to determine b flavour at production Taggers developed Soft Lepton (SLT): ε = (5.0 ± 0.2) % Jet Charge (JetQ) Same side pion (SST) Combined JetQ + SST: ε = (68.3 ± 0.9) % Opposite side μ + SV tagging

Chris Barnes, Imperial CollegeWIN 2005 B mixing at DØ B d mixing Δm d = ± (stat) ± (sys) ps -1 World average = ± ps -1 SLT D 0 = ± JetQ+SST D + = ± JetQ+SST D 0 = ± difference in dilutions

Chris Barnes, Imperial CollegeWIN 2005 B mixing at DØ Flavour Tagging Opposite side combined μ+SV tagging Require muon with angular separation cosΔφ < 0.8 Use discriminating variables x i - combine using likelihood ratio –Charge of jet containing the muon –p T rel weighted muon charge –SV charge Look for SV in event (muon not included)

Chris Barnes, Imperial CollegeWIN 2005 B mixing at DØ Flavour Tagging Likelihood ratio For each variable x i, x > 0 tags initial B flavour as b quark Construct tagging variable d Where y is a product of ratios of probability density fns to give wrong and right tags PDFs determined from reconstructed B d →D * - μ + X data small decay lengths - minimal oscillations pdfs of variable x i for wrong and right tags |d| related to dilution for an event

Chris Barnes, Imperial CollegeWIN 2005 B mixing at DØ Dilution cross-check Opposite side tagging dilution should be same for all B species Cross-check performed on B d B u Dilutions consistent Use value of D = ± in B s mixing fits D = ± D = ± 0.015

Chris Barnes, Imperial CollegeWIN 2005 B mixing at DØ B s mixing analysis

Chris Barnes, Imperial CollegeWIN 2005 B mixing at DØ Strategy One decay mode B s → D s μ X, D s → φ π, φ → KK Opposite side μ+SV tagging Binned asymmetry in Visible Proper Decay Length Minimise observed and expected values of asymmetry Inputs to fitting procedure –Sample composition MC –K factors (corrections for non-reconstructed particles) MC –Efficiencies MC –Dilution obtained from B d mixing –VPDL resolution MC/DATA

Chris Barnes, Imperial CollegeWIN 2005 B mixing at DØ Fit parameters DecaySample composition B s →D s μν20.6% B s →D * s μν57.2% B s →D * 0s μν1.4% B s →D * 1s μν2.9% B s →D s D s X11.3% B 0 →D s DX3.2% B - →D s DX3.4% Sample compositionEfficiency correction due to impact parameter cuts on tracks from D s cc estimated at ~ 3.5 ± 2.5 % VPDL (cm)

Chris Barnes, Imperial CollegeWIN 2005 B mixing at DØ K-factors Correction factor to p T accounting for non-reconstructed particles Decay B s →D s μν0.878 B s →D * s μν0.857 B s →D * 0s μν0.829 B s →D * 1s μν0.817 B s →D s D s X0.738 B 0 →D s DX0.681 B - →D s DX0.687

Chris Barnes, Imperial CollegeWIN 2005 B mixing at DØ VPDL resolution VPDL resolution parametrised with three Gaussians Track impact parameter errors tuned on data Correction dependent on number of vertex hits, location of hits, track polar angle and momentum Tuning results in one scale factor applied to all three Gaussians SF = Corrected resolution

Chris Barnes, Imperial CollegeWIN 2005 B mixing at DØ Systematics Uncertainty on input fit parameters contribute to systematic error Uncertainties in variables included –Dilution –Mass fits –Resolution –Sample composition –K-factor –ΔΓ –Efficiencies Each error added in quadrature

Chris Barnes, Imperial CollegeWIN 2005 B mixing at DØ Result  m s > 5.0 ps -1 at 95% CL No obvious oscillations

Chris Barnes, Imperial CollegeWIN 2005 B mixing at DØ Sensitivity Semileptonic channels

Chris Barnes, Imperial CollegeWIN 2005 B mixing at DØ Projections Include hadronic B s sample –Better proper decay time resolution in hadronics (no ) –Hadronic events at DØ triggered by opposite side muon Provides high efficiency tag (~1) Detector addition summer 2005: “Layer 0” Silicon detector ~25% gain in σ t Proposal to increase rate to tape from 50 to 100 Hz later in 2005 –Dedicated B-physics bandwidth –Lower trigger thresholds ~ factor 3 gain in statistics Expect to cover full SM range

Chris Barnes, Imperial CollegeWIN 2005 B mixing at DØ Summary Developed all tools to perform mixing measurement Flavour tagging demonstrated on B d → D * μ X Δm d = ± (stat) ± (sys) ps -1 Using 460 pb -1 peformed first B s mixing analysis at DØ Decay mode B s → D s μ X Δm s > 5.0 ps -1 at 95% CL Future Layer-0 and increased L3 bandwidth Improve tagging - electrons, more variables, possibly SST? Additional semileptonic modes Hadronic mode