Lecture Excel: Formulas and Functions
Formulas Specifies calculations to be performed Begins with an equal sign (=) Can refer to: –cells by reference (A1) –values (25%, 100, 0.50) Recalculates when values change Example: = A1 + B2 Without the equal sign, it's just a label
Creating Formulas = C9 times D9E9 = 450 Value (calculated results)
Algebraic Order of Operations Parentheses( )(5+3)/24 Exponentiation^5^225 Multiplication*5*210 Division/5/22.5 Addition+5+27 Subtraction-5-23
Order of Operation “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally” Parentheses Exponents Multiply and Divide Add and Subtract = * 3=16 =(10 + 2) * 3=36
Functions Built-in ways to manipulate data to get an answer (sum, average, etc) Give it numbers (or text) and get an answer Values you provide the function are called "arguments" Parentheses enclose the argument list –Cells or other expressions needed for the calculations
Function Syntax Syntax of Excel Function = FUNCTION(argument) Functions can be part of an expression = FUNCTION(arg) * 75%
Ranges and Arguments Some functions take ranges =SUM(A1:A10) =MAX(A1:D50) Some functions take multiple arguments =ROUND(A1,2) (rounds A1 to 2 decimal places)
Function Examples =SUM(D14:D18) =MAX(B6:B13) =AVERAGE(A1:A8) Function NameArgument
Common Functions =SUM(cell range) –Total of all cells listed as arguments =MIN(cell range) –Smallest number within the cell range named =AVERAGE(cell range) –Total of all the cells divided by the total number of cells listed
Function Syntax (cont) Functions can be combined = FUNCTION(arg) + FUNCTION(arg) Functions can be nested = FUNCTION(FUNCTION(arg))
List of Common Functions =AVERAGE( ) =SUM ( ) =MIN ( ) =MAX ( ) =NOW ( ) =TODAY ( ) =COUNT ( ) =COUNTA ( ) =COUNTIF ( ) =COUNTBLANK ( ) =ROUND ( ) =ROUNDUP ( ) =ROUNDDOWN ( )
Shortcut Functions/More Shortcut functions from Sum function drop-down button More Functions by category –Statistical –Math & Trig –Financial –Database –etc
Relative and Absolute Addressing relative address B4 absolute address$B$4 Anchors row or column
Absolute References!!! =B2*$B$8
Quick Way to Switch Type formula in with relative addresses (=B4 * E5) Place cursor at reference you want made absolute Press F4: B4 $B$4 B$4 $B4 B4 Mac users: Apple+t