Interpreting Standardized Tests Gronlund, Chapter 12 Burke, Chapter 2
Features of Standardized Tests Content on texts and curriculum guides Items written by experts, Items are field tested Selected based on set of specifications Rigid administering/scoring Norms are established Test is published
Norm-Referenced Scores Percentile ranks –Relative standing, specific to particular group, not equally spaced Grade equivalent scores –Average scores of students in the group, subject to misinterpretation Standard scores –Expressed in units based on mean/SD
The Normal Curve
Standard Scores z-scores T-scores Normal-curve equivalent scores (NCE) Ability scores Stanine scores
Interpreting Scores to Students and Parents Describe in general terms what test measures/relation to local curriculum Keep description of percentile ranks simple Make clear statements about grade equivalents Use brief, simple statements with stanines Use percentile bands or ways to consider error when interpreting differences between scores