OpenCCM: The Open CORBA Components Platform OSMOSE WP3 CCM Meeting 14th November 2003, LIFL, Lille, France Philippe Merle Jacquard Project INRIA Futurs – Lille OpenCCM Project Leader
ObjectWeb - D2 - November 2003 Outline è Objectives è Supported environments è Main features: From design to administration The open production tool chain The open packaging and assembling tool chain The open distributed deployment infrastructure The open container runtime framework The open management framework è Perspectives
ObjectWeb - D3 - November 2003 Objectives è Become the reference implementation of the OMG CORBA Components specification To design, define, implement, compile, package, assemble, deploy, install, instantiate, configure, execute, discover, introspect, manage, and reconfigure distributed CORBA component-based applications è Provide an Open CORBA Components platform Open source licensed under LGPL ORB product independent Flexible, extensible and adaptable frameworks for CCM++ è Become a world-wide used platform for R&D around CORBA component-based middleware and applications Cadena from Kansas University, …
ObjectWeb - D4 - November 2003 Supported Environments è OpenCCM = Open CORBA Components Platform è SUN JDK 1.2.1, 1.3.x & 1.4.x è Operating systems Linux Solaris Windows Windows CE for PDA è ORBs Borland Enterprise Server (BES) & 5.2 JacORB 2.0 The Community OpenORB 1.2.1, 1.3.0, & ORBacus 4.1.x
ObjectWeb - D5 - November 2003 Main Features: From Design to Administration è The open production tool chain Design, define, implement, and compile CORBA components è The open packaging and assembling tool chain Package and assemble CORBA components è The open distributed deployment infrastructure Deploy, install, instantiate, and configure CORBA components è The open container runtime framework Host and execute CORBA components è The open management framework Discover, introspect, manage, monitor and reconfigure CORBA components
ObjectWeb - D6 - November 2003 The Open Production Tool Chain è Front-end compilers for OMG Interface Definition Language 3.0 (OMG IDL) OMG Persistent State Definition Language (OMG PSS) OMG Component Implementation Definition Language (OMG CIDL) UML Profile for CORBA Components è Middle-end repository Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) CORBA 3.0.x Interface Repository è Back-end generators for Client and server equivalent OMG IDL 2.x mapping CIDL related Java container code PSDL related Java interfaces and implementations Java templates for implementing components OMG IDL 3.0, PSDL, CIDL, and UML pretty-printers è To do Generation of XML CCD, CSD, and CPF from OMG CIDL
ObjectWeb - D7 - November 2003 Modular and Extensible Production Chain Architecture XML Component descriptor XML Component descriptor XML CORBA Component descriptors Container code OMG IDL/PSDL/CIDL Front end Implementation templates XMI files XMI UML IDL/CIDL files IDL/CIDL files OMG IDL/ PSDL/CIDL IDL/PSDL/CIDL Generators IDL/PSDL/CIDL Generators Stubs/skeletons Generators Container code Generators XML CCD Generators XML CCD Generator XMI Generators XMI UML Generator XMI UML Front end XMI UML files XMI UML files XMI UML IDL CIDL files IDL CIDL files OMG IDL/ PSDL/CIDL UML OpenCCM Repository Other Files Component Implementation Generators Component Implementation Generators Other Generators Other generators Other Front ends Other files Other Notations
ObjectWeb - D8 - November 2003 Example of Use : Cadena = Eclipse Plug-in + OpenCCM
ObjectWeb - D9 - November 2003 The Open Packaging and Assembling Tool Chain è A stand-one packaging and assembling tool All CCM XML descriptors and ZIP archives supported
ObjectWeb - D10 - November 2003 The Open Packaging and Assembling Tool Chain è A software framework for building customized packaging and assembling tools è Users can build their own P&A tool 4 DTD XML du CCM CCM XML DTDs Apollon + Zeus Browser Framework XML Plug-in Data Binding Swing Binding XML Plug-in ZIP Archives Code
ObjectWeb - D11 - November 2003 The Open Distributed Deployment Infrastructure è All CCM XML descriptors and ZIP archives supported è CosNaming, CosTrading, and HomeFinder services supported All Components::Deployment API supported è Component-based deployment infrastructure IST COACH Distributed Computing Infrastructure (DCI) As hosted by CCM containers, possible injection of non functional properties as persistency, transactions, security, etc. è Transactional distributed deployment Rollback deployment when failures
ObjectWeb - D12 - November 2003 COACH Distributed Computing Infrastructure
ObjectWeb - D13 - November 2003 OpenCCM DCI Components DCIManager = a deployment domain Provides AssemblyFactory and HomeFinder NodeManager = a virtual host Provides ComponentInstallation and ServerActivator ComponentServerManager = a component server Provides ComponentServer ContainerManager = a container Provides Container AssemblyManager = an assembly deployment controller Provides Assembly è Each component provides other ports for management and supervision purposes
ObjectWeb - D14 - November 2003 Permanent DCI Components Node_1Node_2 Node_3 COACH Middleware NodeManager DCIManager
ObjectWeb - D15 - November 2003 Assembly Installation Node_1Node_2 Node_3 COACH Middleware NodeManager DCIManager Installed Assembly Assigned Assembly XML+ Code
ObjectWeb - D16 - November 2003 Assembly Instantiation Node_1Node_2 Node_3 AssemblyMgrCOACH Middleware NodeManager DCIManager Installed Assembly instantiate
ObjectWeb - D17 - November 2003 Assembly Instantiation Node_1Node_2 Node_3 AssemblyMgrCOACH Middleware NodeManager DCIManager Installed Assembly
ObjectWeb - D18 - November 2003 Interconnexion and Running Components Node_1Node_2 Node_3 AssemblyMgrCOACH Middleware NodeManager DCIManager Installed Assembly Running Assembly
ObjectWeb - D19 - November 2003 The Open Container Runtime Framework è Built on top of CORBA 2.4 and provided services è Scripts to start / stop services CosNaming, CosTrading, and CosTransactions Runtime library for session components Set of classes inherited by generated container code è OMG Persistent State Service (PSS) implementation Built on top of Java Data Object (JDO) Currently Kodo product Soon ObjectWeb Speedo è Flexible Container Framework soon IST COACH Extensible Container Architecture (ECA)
ObjectWeb - D20 - November 2003 Runtime Architecture CORBA ComponentsDCI Components CosNaming Service CosTransactions Service CosTrading Service CORBA 2.4 or higher OpenCCM Flexible Container Framework OpenCCM PSS Runtime Data Stores JDO Runtime Plugin Domain Node Server CosPersistentState Service Philosopher Observer Fork
ObjectWeb - D21 - November 2003 The Open Management Framework è A software framework to build graphical UI management browser Extensible by plug-ins è Various browser plug-ins for CORBA Object, Component and Home Interface Repository CosNaming CosTrading DCI è IST COACH monitoring and testing infrastructure
ObjectWeb - D22 - November 2003 The OpenCCM Browser
ObjectWeb - D23 - November 2003 IST COACH Monitoring and Testing Infrastructure OpenCCM component servers Portable Interceptors for monitoring CORBA CORBA Components Interface Repository Actor GUI Logging Components Web Browser
ObjectWeb - D24 - November 2003 IST COACH Monitoring and Testing Infrastructure
ObjectWeb - D25 - November 2003 IST COACH Monitoring and Testing Infrastructure
ObjectWeb - D26 - November 2003 IST COACH Monitoring and Testing Infrastructure
ObjectWeb - D27 - November 2003 Perspectives for OpenCCM 1.0 è Improve and complete current features è Provide full container support CORBA Component Descriptor generator Service, Process, and Entity containers All CCM container API Services injected in containers Persistency, transaction, security, notification IST COACH Extensible Container Architecture è Open Model-Driven CORBA Components platform Design components, implementations, and assemblies with UML Generate OMG IDL, CIDL, implementations, CAD files Ready to be deployed and managed
ObjectWeb - D28 - November 2003 Thanks You – Q/A