Building the Csound Orchestra: FM Soprano Design a beautiful vibratoDesign a beautiful vibrato Make the vibrato different on every noteMake the vibrato different on every note Change Speed (vibrato rate)Change Speed (vibrato rate) ivibrat=p10 avratelinsegivibrat*.5, idur, ivibrat
Building the Csound Orchestra: [iii:38] FM Soprano 3 FM vibrato to change the frequencyFM vibrato to change the frequency indx1=p9 ivibwid=.00311*log(ifreq) idev=indx1 * ifreq avibenvlinseg0,.6*idur,1,.3*idur,1,.1*idur,0,1,0 avibwid=ivibwid * avibenv avibosciliavibwid+idev, avrate, iwave1, giseed giseed=frac(giseed* ) asiggbuzz1, ifreq+avib, iharms, 1,.75, iwave5
Building the Csound Orchestra: [iii:39] FM Soprano 4 AM vibrato to change the amplitudeAM vibrato to change the amplitude ampviboscili.3, avrate, iwave1, giseed giseed=frac(giseed* ) ampvib=ampvib asig=asig * aenv * ampvib
Building the Csound Orchestra: [iii:40] FM Soprano 5 Random Noise VariationRandom Noise Variation anoiserandi.3, 15, giseed giseed=frac(giseed* ) anoise=anoise + 1 avratelinsegivibrat*.5, idur, ivibrat avrate=avrate * anoise avibwid=ivibwid * avibenv * anoise Try different combinations of the parameters to find one that really suits your FM voice!Try different combinations of the parameters to find one that really suits your FM voice!
Building the Csound Orchestra: FM Soprano PhasePhase use a different phase for each note, but the same phase for all the parts of each noteuse a different phase for each note, but the same phase for all the parts of each note this keeps the phases in chords from lining up, which gives an artificial soundthis keeps the phases in chords from lining up, which gives an artificial sound giseed — a pseudo-random number generatorgiseed — a pseudo-random number generator iphase=giseed giseed=frac(giseed* ) asigosciliiamp, ifreq, iwt, iphase Slightly mistune beginning of noteSlightly mistune beginning of note
Building the Csound Orchestra: FM Soprano Multiple Carrier FMMultiple Carrier FM
Building the Csound Orchestra: FM Soprano The formants from DodgeThe formants from Dodge example: “a” voice sound, p. 231example: “a” voice sound, p. 231 iform1=650 iform2=1100 iform3=2860 iform4=3300 iform5=4500
Building the Csound Orchestra: FM Soprano Round the formants off to the nearest harmonic partialRound the formants off to the nearest harmonic partial Use fewer formants for higher frequenciesUse fewer formants for higher frequencies ifac1=iform1/ifreq ifac1=(frac(ifac1) <.5 ? int(ifac1) : ifac1) ifac1=(frac(ifac1) >=.5 ? 1+int(ifac1) : ifac1) ifac1=(ifac1 = 0 ? 1 : ifac1)