Copyright by Silesian Union of Municipalities and Districts1 Silesian Union of Municipalities and Districts INTRODUCTION to Modernization the Public Administration: Challenges, Problems and Opportunities Dr. Ferdynand Morski Executive Director
Copyright by Silesian Union of Municipalities and Districts2 Current Situation of Public Administration in Poland with stress on voivodship of Silesia Huge improvements since the beginning of 90-ties, especially in local administration Full access of officials in Silesian local government to computers and internet BUT: it is still not very modern and efficient Public Administration Huge weaknesses especially in Central and Regional units of Administration
Copyright by Silesian Union of Municipalities and Districts3 Current Situation of Public Administration in Poland with stress on voivodship of Silesia Main weeknesses: overload with beaurocratic procedures organizational structure – hierarchic and stiff lack of innovations and creativity limited knowledge of foreign languages no empowerment no teamwork lack of interdepartmental communication lack of modern HRM in P.A.
Copyright by Silesian Union of Municipalities and Districts4 Current Situation of Public Administration in Poland with stress on voivodship of Silesia BUT promising developments in local governements, especially in cities: citizens service centres new models of handling documents overall system of managing development of the urban area based on GIS SEKAP smart cards and many others
Copyright by Silesian Union of Municipalities and Districts5 Main challenges and forces driving the modernization of P. A. The citizens and the economy (both domestic firms as well as global economy players and investors) demand much more from P. A. than ever before ICT: offers to P.A. both great opportunities but also huge challenges Knowledge driven Economy demands extremely (!) efficient Public Administration The process of internationalization (the European Union & globalism) Implementation of EU Structural Funds demands high quality of administrative staffs (especially important in Poland)
Copyright by Silesian Union of Municipalities and Districts6 It always existed the function in p.a. to manage long term development a long term political vision of the development of the country which has to be implemented by the P.A therefore P.A. has to implement very complex infrastructure and public investment projects networking concepts There is no sustainable and balanced development without modern and very efficient Public Administration! Public Administration at the beginning of 21st century: why modern P. A. is so important
Copyright by Silesian Union of Municipalities and Districts7 In the 1980s and early 1990s, the New Public Management model was proposed by David Osborne and Ted Gaebler this public administration model advocates the use of private sector innovation, resources, and organizational ideas to improve the public sector Some criticisms of this model - it emphasizes people as "customers" rather than "citizens" and that customers are placed as an end-product user of government rather than part of the policy making process this model focuses on a person as a unit of the economy rather than democracy Concepts for Modernizing Public Administration
Copyright by Silesian Union of Municipalities and Districts8 In the late 1990s and early 21st century, Janet and Robert Denhardt proposed the New Public Service model this model focuses on people being treated as "citizens" rather than "customers". The citizen's primary role is to participate in government and be active throughout the process of implementing policy, instead of the end product of specific policies Stream of rational choice analysis in P. A. - William Niskanen - 'budget-maximizing' model argued that rational bureaucrats will always and everywhere seek to increase their budgets, thereby contributing strongly to the build-up of the structures of p.a. and public money spent rational choiceWilliam Niskanen'budget-maximizing' modelrational choiceWilliam Niskanen'budget-maximizing' model Concepts of Modernizing Public Administration
Copyright by Silesian Union of Municipalities and Districts9 model of rational choice provided a strong underpinning for the worldwide move towards cutbacks of public spending and the introduction of privatization and contrating-out of public services in the 1980s and 1990s rational choicerational choice digital era governance concept focuses on themes of reintegrating responsibilities into government, needs-based holism (doing things in joined-up ways) and digitalization (exploiting the transformational capabilities of modern ICT and digital storage) digital era governance digital era governance Every concept and model offers some good solutions which can be creatively and selectively used to modernize Public Administration Concepts of Modernizing Public Administration
Copyright by Silesian Union of Municipalities and Districts10 Networking Less hierarchic, more participative and colaborative model of public administration (strong cooperation with NGO’s and local and regional enterprises – exchange of knowledge, contacts and skills) Quality management models (ISO, CAF etc.) Management by objectives Cost-effective administration and task-oriented budgets New HRM in Public Administration E-Government (e-Administration) – using wisely ICT Main directions in modernization of Public Administration
Copyright by Silesian Union of Municipalities and Districts11 Replacing the paperwork by introducing as the only principle the electronic circulation of documents and data Empowerment of employees of P.A. Enhancing interdepartamental cooperation Enhancing better internal communication Teamwork DISCE PUER / PUELLA LINGUAM ANGLICAM! and much, much more … Main directions in modernization of Public Administration
Copyright by Silesian Union of Municipalities and Districts12 Thank you Elaborated by: Ferdynand Morski 28 August 2008