What Next?
Action Period Activities Send report to listserv by next Tuesday!! Bi-weekly improvement team meetings –PLUS frequent team huddles!! –More huddles faster improvement!! Monthly Team Status Reports to Marcia Send registry data to Lin Song monthly Communicate with faculty and other teams via conference calls and listserv
By Next Tuesday!! Send a brief report to the listserv of ONE PDSA cycle that you tried –What did you try? Who, what, when, where? –What happened? Was it what you expected? What did you learn? –What will you try next?
PDSA Cycles Small scale does not equal small change Success (or failure) in one cycle does not equal success or failure of the project Keep teams focused on the measures related to the aim. Collect data--just enough data
First Conference Call First conference call: –Wednesday, December 4 –8:30 am –Dial
Conference Call Format All team members participate Successes? Challenges? What worked? What didn’t work? What you’re planning next
LISTSERV “Each one teach one” Send questions, comments, successes Request advice for challenges All team members participate –Read –Respond – access for everybody Don’t be shy!!
LISTSERV Send messages to Include your name when you respond Remember if you respond to the listserv it goes to everyone If you want to respond to an individual, you have their address in this binder Be patient while everybody learns how to use the listserv
Five Frogs on a Log
Adjourn to Action Period 1 Intention is not the same as action. ACTION! ACTION! ACTION!