After this session, you should be able to: Learning outcomes After this session, you should be able to: Identify the threat of intruders in systems and networks and explain how to protect them through password management Describe the operation of viruses, Trojans and worms and identify relevant software to counteract them Explain the effect of unwanted network connections in an organisation and how to design a firewall that will balance user freedom in relation to network security Internet Management & Security 06
Taxanomy of Malicious Programs Need Host Program Independent Trapdoors Logic Bombs Trojan Horses Viruses Zombie Worms Internet Management & Security 06
Definitions Trojan Horse - instructions in an otherwise good program that cause bad things to happen (sending your data or password to an attacker over the net). Logic Bomb - malicious code that activates on an event (e.g., date, specific key sequence, absence of a file etc ). Trap Door (or Back Door) - undocumented entry point written into code for debugging that can allow unwanted users. Internet Management & Security 06
Virus - code that infects other executable files by copying itself. Definitions Virus - code that infects other executable files by copying itself. A “Bacteria” replicates until it fills all disk space, or CPU cycles. Payload - harmful things the malicious program does, after it has had time to spread. Worm - a program that replicates itself across the network (usually riding on email messages or attached documents (e.g., macro viruses). Zombie – a program that takes over other Internet-attached computers to launch attacks that are difficult to trace back to the original creator of the program. Typically used in Denial-of-Service Attacks Internet Management & Security 06
Dormant phase - the virus is idle Virus Phases Four different phases exist for a virus. However, not all viruses have all of these four phases. Dormant phase - the virus is idle Propagation phase - the virus places an identical copy of itself into other programs Triggering phase – the virus is activated to perform the function for which it was intended Execution phase – the function is performed Internet Management & Security 06
Virus Protection Have a well-known virus protection program, configured to scan disks and downloads automatically for known viruses. Do not execute programs (or "macro's") from unknown sources (e.g., PS files, Hypercard files, MS Office documents). Do not download .dll, .lib., .hlp, .obj files from unknown sources. Avoid the most common operating systems and email programs, if possible. Internet Management & Security 06
Increases the length of the host program !! Virus Structure Increases the length of the host program !! And, this segment will be the same in all infected files !! It is called the signature of the virus. Internet Management & Security 06
A Compression Virus Internet Management & Security 06
Types of Viruses Parasitic Virus - attaches itself to executable files as part of their code. Runs whenever the host program runs. Memory-resident Virus - Lodges in main memory as part of the residual operating system. Boot Sector Virus - infects the boot sector of a disk, and spreads when the operating system boots up (original DOS viruses). Stealth Virus - explicitly designed to hide from Virus Scanning programs. Compression and controlling disk I/O are the most common techniques. Polymorphic Virus - mutates with every new host to prevent signature detection. It is achieved either by randomly shuffling independent instructions in the virus, or by adding superfluous instructions, or by encryption. Internet Management & Security 06
Infect documents, delete files, generate email and edit letters. Macro Viruses Microsoft Office applications allow “macros” to be part of the document. The macro could run whenever the document is opened, or when a certain command is selected (Save File). Platform independent. Infect documents, delete files, generate email and edit letters. Internet Management & Security 06
Antivirus Approaches 1st Generation, Scanners: searched files for any of a library of known virus “signatures.” Checked executable files for length changes. 2nd Generation, Heuristic Scanners: looks for more general signs than specific signatures (code segments common to many viruses). Checked files for checksum or hash changes. 3rd Generation, Activity Traps: stay resident in memory and look for certain patterns of software behavior (e.g., scanning files). 4th Generation, Full Featured: combine the best of the techniques above. Internet Management & Security 06
Advanced Antivirus Techniques Generic Decryption (GD) CPU Emulator Virus Signature Scanner Emulation Control Module If the virus is encrypted it will decrypt and reveal itself. Key question: how long should a GD scanner run each interpretation? Internet Management & Security 06
Firewall Design Principles Too many computers with different Operating Systems exist in corporate networks today. They all need Internet access. The firewall is inserted between the premises network and the Internet Aims: Establish a controlled link Protect the premises network from Internet-based attacks Provide a single choke point Internet Management & Security 06
Firewall Characteristics Design goals: All traffic from inside to outside must pass through the firewall (physically blocking all access to the local network except via the firewall). Only authorized traffic (defined by the local security policy) will be allowed to pass. The firewall itself is immune to penetration (use of trusted system with a secure operating system). Internet Management & Security 06
Firewall Characteristics Four general techniques: User control Controls access to a service according to which user is attempting to access it (may need authentication procedures). Behavior control Controls how particular services are used (e.g. filter e-mail). Service control Determines the types of Internet services that can be accessed (such as FTP, HTTP) , inbound or outbound. Direction control Determines the direction in which particular service requests are allowed to flow. Internet Management & Security 06
Three common types of Firewalls: Packet-filtering routers Stateful Inspection Firewalls Application-level gateways Circuit-level gateway Internet Management & Security 06
Packet-filtering Router: Types of Firewalls Packet-filtering Router: Applies a set of rules to each incoming IP packet and then forwards or discards the packet Filter packets going in both directions The packet filter is typically set up as a list of rules based on matches to fields in the IP or TCP header Two default policies (discard or forward) Internet Management & Security 06
Types of Firewalls All these fields can be used in a packet filter: Source and Destination IP address Source and Destination Port Numbers IP Protocol field, which defines the higher-level protocol in the IP packet MAC address in case there are more than one. Packet filtering example: action src port dest comment block SPIGOT * {our hosts} we don’t trust these people allow 25 connection to our SMTP port Internet Management & Security 06
Types of Firewalls Stateful Inspection Firewalls: A traditional packet filter allows or denies packet on an individual basis after analysing IP and TCP packet headers in the arriving packet. A stateful inspection firewall, on the other hand, considers the status of ongoing TCP connections in addition to the header information in the arriving packets. Block packets that scan this port !! Example Stateful Furewall Connection State Table: Source Address Source Port Destination Address Destination Port Connection State 1030 80 Active 2552 Released 1990 79 2112 3321 Internet Management & Security 06
Application-level Gateway (proxy): Types of Firewalls Application-level Gateway (proxy): Also called proxy server Acts as a relay of application-level traffic Requires user authentication More secure than packet filtering and stateful inspection More processing overhead as well. Internet Management & Security 06
Circuit-level Gateway: Types of Firewalls Circuit-level Gateway: Sets up two TCP connections Requires user authentication The gateway typically relays TCP segments from one connection to the other without examining the contents The security function consists of determining which connections will be allowed Typically use is a situation in which the system administrator trusts the internal users Internet Management & Security 06
Firewall Configurations In addition to the use of simple configuration of a single system (single packet filtering router or single gateway), more complex configurations are possible. A “Bastion Host” (means a well-fortified area) serves as a platform for an application-level or circuit-level gateway. they use a secure operating system, only the essential services are installed (including proxies for Telnet, DNS, FTP, SMTP, and user authentication), each proxy module is a very small software package (fewer than 1000 lines) to minimise any security flaw each proxy is independent proxies have no disk access and they run as nonprivileged users Internet Management & Security 06
Firewall Configurations Screened host firewall system (single-homed bastion host): Only packets from and to the bastion host are allowed to pass through the packet filter The bastion host performs authentication and proxy functions Both packet-level and application-level filtering Internet Management & Security 06
Firewall Configurations Screened host firewall system (dual-homed bastion host): Traffic between the Internet and other hosts on the private network has to flow through the bastion host Even if the packet filter is compromised, the private network is physically isolated from the Internet by the Bastion host Internet Management & Security 06
Firewall Configurations Screened-subnet firewall system: Most secure configuration of the three An isolated sub-network is created between the Internet and the private network The private network is not visible to the Internet The Internet is not visible to the private network Internet Management & Security 06