The Chilean Trajectory: From Liberalism to Possibilism
Risk Premium Risk Premium: When there is a chance that a borrower will not repay a loan, the lender charges the true interest plus a premium for the default risk.
Risk premiums and financial crises
Capital controls Capital controls: Limits on the size, type, maturity, liquidity, etc. of international capital inflows or outflows. According to the IMF, the most common types are: (a) Payment restrictions on capital transactions of commercial banks and other credit institutions. (b) Limits on direct investment and real estate transactions. (c) Restrictions on capital market securities.
Encaje Encaje: Also “unremunerative reserve requirement” (URR). A non-interest-bearing deposit in the Chilean Central Bank ( ) valued at 30% of any international investment, or payment of a one-time 3% fee to recover a deposit within its first three years.
References All definitions from: Oxford English Dictionary (online) And Encyclopædia Britannica Online (academic edition)